Finally the girl arrived! Your six male brothers welcome you in this beautiful video

That moment when the eldest son sees the newborn for the first time is very emotional for the whole family. Although he has been waiting for months, and we have been preparing for his arrival, meet the baby, touch him and see that it is a reality can trigger all kinds of reactions in the older brother.

Imagine if there is nothing less in the family than six brothers, all boys between two and thirteen, and finally the girl who has been so much begging. The result is this nice video in which you are welcomed. Pure cuteness!

The Lair family is composed of mom, dad and six children (Jackson, Campbell, Sawyer, Shepherd, Houston and Knox) ​​who have just joined a seventh member: the little ruby ​​jane.

What does the older brother feel when he sees the baby for the first time? It is curious to see how, according to the age of the brothers, and of course, the personality of each one, the reactions are very different.

Happiness, and at the same time fear of her smallness, curiosity and feelings of protection are some of the emotions that the girl awakens in her older brothers while they fill her with kisses and caresses.

One of his brothers is worried that he is complete while he counts his eyes, mouth and nose, while another that really worries him is "the rose" that will invade the house from now on.

Do not miss the video because it is beautiful and keep in mind that if you are going to introduce the baby to the older brother soon, you better prepare the ground.

Via | The voice of the wall
In Babies and more | When a child is born the older brother grows suddenly