Pelvic rocking, a good exercise for pregnant women. How to do it?

Pelvis It is the part of the body that connects the trunk with the extremities, formed by a set of bones that are coupled together to give mobility to the area. With pregnancy, thanks to the hormone relaxin, the joints between the bones become more flexible and this will help the pelvis to expand to accommodate the baby and so that it descends through the birth canal at birth.

We can also facilitate the flexibility of the pelvis with a series of exercises that also prevent back pain and sciatica during pregnancy. Here we leave several ways to exercise the pelvis area for a healthier pregnancy and childbirth.

  • Pelvic balancing is achieved naturally when walking, a highly recommended exercise in pregnancy as it provides many and varied benefits. Among them, it will help to soften the pelvis, keep us fit and, at the end of pregnancy, soften the cervix.

  • A pelvic balancing exercise What we can do in the first trimester of pregnancy is that, lying on the floor (on a carpet or carpet and with a cushion or pillow on the head) and the legs flexed by the knees, arms on the floor, press the lumbar region against the surface, exhaling the air. Then, inhaling, we relax the spine, repeating the exercise several times. But, as soon as the volume of the belly increases we can no longer do this movement comfortably, although we do exercise the pelvis as we show you below.

  • In the second half and especially In the third trimester of pregnancy the pelvic balancing exercises have to be done standing, with the back resting on a wall. We inhale when pressing the lumbar region against the wall and exhale when relaxing the back.

  • In the final stretch of pregnancy we can also, standing or catching, make another variation of the pelvic swing, moving the pelvis back and forth, keeping the back straight (and doing several repetitions).

We hope these pelvic balancing exercises in pregnancy help you keep fit and prepare a little more for the arrival of the baby. They are quite gentle exercises and in principle, if the doctor does not advise against it, any woman can do them. Anyway, do not forget to consult the gynecologist if you notice any discomfort in the area.

Video: Best Physio Positions to do Kegel Exercise for Pregnant Women (July 2024).