Paternity benefits exceed maternity benefits for the first time

Social Security has processed 62,832 maternity benefits in the first three months of the year, 8.1% less than in the first quarter of 2017.

The novelty of the data is that, for the first time, paternity benefits (64,505 in the first three months of the year) have exceeded those of maternity.

"A cultural change"

The National Social Security Institute has processed 127,000 maternity and paternity benefits in the first three months of the year. Of these, 62,832 refer to maternity and 64,505 paternity processes. This is the first time that parents get ahead of moms when requesting their benefits after extending the family.

These figures, according to Labor, "reflect a cultural change in regard to the enjoyment of childcare permits." But it's not the only true reason.

In both cases there has been a decrease compared to last year's figures: in the first quarter of 2018, 8.1% fewer mothers and 4.8% fewer parents have applied for their respective permits with respect to the same period of 2017 .

28% more spending on paternity benefits

The expenditure for the Social Security coffers during the period analyzed was 465.5 million euros: 363.6 million for maternity leave (0.9% more than last year) and 101 million for paternity. In the latter case, the increase in spending has been 28% due to the entry into force in 2017 of the extension of the paternity leave from two to four weeks.

By autonomous communities

The communities where more maternity leave have been processed are:

  • Catalonia: 11,667 permits.
  • Andalusia: 10,981 permits.
  • Madrid: 11,203 permits.
  • Valencian Community: 6,300 permits.

Regarding paternity leave:

  • Catalonia: 12,412 permits.
  • Andalusia: 10,892 permits.
  • Madrid: 10,212 permits.
  • Valencian Community: 6,407 permits.

What is the benefit?

The amount of the maternity benefit is equivalent to one hundred percent of the salary and is paid by the National Institute of Social Security during the 16 weeks of leave (expandable in case of multiple birth in two weeks for each child from the second ).

In addition, the father can enjoy the time given by the mother at the same time as she or then, except in the first six weeks of mandatory rest for mom (This year, 1,099 families have exercised this right, 14% less than last year).

That there are fewer benefits for maternity than paternity means that fewer mothers have been entitled to them and they have not applied for them, since they do not work nor receive an unemployment benefit.

With the approval of the Equality Act of 2007, a permit was established for the father independent of that of the mother and also equivalent to his full salary. This paternity leave, which lasts four weeks from January 1, 2017, is compatible with maternity leave.

For the first time paternity benefits exceed those of maternity. A right for parents (and for babies) that does not eliminate the long road that remains to be reconciled.

In Babies and more The paternal leave of 16 weeks to match the man with the woman a benefit or a damage ?, Maternity and paternity leave in Europe

Video: The benefits of paternity leave. The Economist (July 2024).