Diaper dermatitis: everything you need to know

During their first years of life, and until they have the capacity and maturation necessary to control their sphincters and learn to go to the bathroom, babies and children should wear a diaper. At this stage, it is up to us to ensure proper hygiene and care, to avoid the appearance of certain discomforts.

One of these, and that can be very uncomfortable for the little ones, is when their skin is irritated. We tell you about the diaper dermatitis: everything you need to know.

What is diaper dermatitis?

Diaper dermatitis is a skin irritation, rash or inflammation that occurs in the area that is covered by the diaper, and that is usually common among babies and children up to 15 months of age. Although it mainly affects the area of ​​the baby's genitals, buttocks and crotch, it can also affect the lower abdomen.

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The first symptom of a diaper dermatitis is a redness in the baby's skin that has direct contact with the diaper, followed by intense irritation, which if left untreated, can lead to the appearance of small blisters or ulcers.

Fortunately, this condition is not serious and does not spread to the rest of the body, and usually disappears after three or four days when treated properly. While your symptoms disappear, the baby may be more irritable or complain when the diaper is changed.

Causes of diaper dermatitis

As we have said, diaper dermatitis occurs in the area where the diaper has direct contact with the baby's skin, but It is usually caused by different causes:

  • Humidity. Diapers, being absorbent and perspiring very little, cause the area to be moist and sweaty, leaving the skin more sensitive and susceptible to irritation and chafing.
  • Leave a diaper with waste too long. As time passes, the urine begins to break down, generating irritating chemicals. In the case of feces, the digestive agents contained in them can attack the baby's skin.
  • The use of too aggressive soaps. Using a soap that is not for delicate skin or babies could be too aggressive for your skin, leaving it more sensitive.
  • Mushrooms. These usually appear in the areas of the folds, being more humid and hot, and are extending to the rest of the diaper area.
  • The eruption of the teeth. Although there are opinions divided at this point, the eruption of the teeth usually coincides with an increase in the incidence of diaper rash. It is believed that this is because when the teeth are coming out to saliva it becomes a little more acidic, making the feces and pee more irritative.
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How to prevent it

Preventing diaper dermatitis is relatively simple, where proper hygiene and cleanliness are the key. To prevent our baby's skin from suffering from this irritation, the measures we can take to prevent it are the following:

  • Change the diaper as soon as it gets dirty. Although many diapers are advertised mentioning the number of hours that can keep the baby dry, this does not mean that we should wait all that time to change the diaper. Although there will be situations in which we cannot change it immediately, the ideal is that once it has been wet or stained, we will do it as soon as possible.
  • Wash it frequently. Although wet wipes facilitate our existence by helping us clean the baby in these cases, they should not be used as a substitute for water to wash and clean the baby. It is best to wash the area frequently and check all the folds, to make sure that there is no residue that could escape when cleaning only with the wipes.
  • Keep it dry. After washing and cleaning the baby, we should dry it with a soft towel or leaving it for a while without a diaper to dry it in the air. This will also help prevent moisture from being maintained, which is one of the causes that causes diaper rash.
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  • Use cloth diapers. Although disposable diapers are very practical, the truth is that their materials are plastic and more waterproof, which makes the area more humid compared to a cloth diaper, which is more breathable.
  • Leave him without a diaper at times. One way to avoid the appearance of diaper rash is to remove what mainly causes the problem: the diaper. Leaving the baby's buttocks outdoors at times will help keep it dry and keep moisture away.
  • Rate the use of creams or special ointments for the area. The use of water paste works as a barrier to protect the baby's skin and is something we can use when your skin starts to turn red. However, it is important to mention that we must make sure to clean it completely every time they pee or poop.

Diaper dermatitis treatment

Sometimes, despite following all the steps to prevent it, our baby may have diaper rash or redness and irritation. In those cases, we must treat it as follows:

In mild cases, it will be enough to wash the affected area with water and a mild, neutral soap, keeping it clean and dry, avoiding the use of fragrance or perfume products. In this case, we can also apply zinc oxide at every diaper change.

If two or three days pass, and the irritation does not seem to improve or worsens, it is recommended take it to the pediatrician, so that it is he who tells us if we should apply any special cream with anti-inflammatory or antifungal (in case there are fungi).

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Other tips to help treat diaper dermatitis are avoid using talcum powder and wipes, and follow one of the most important and effective: seek leave the baby without a diaper The most time possible.

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Video: Nappy Rash. Diaper Rash Treatment. Nappy Rash Cream. Diaper Rash (July 2024).