The 21 most influential mothers on Instagram you will want to follow

Nowadays it is very common to find accounts in social networks that share the day to day of some families, as it is the case of instamamis, or mothers who have an account on Instagram, in which they talk about motherhood and lifestyle , among other topics.

Many of them not only share their day to day, but also inspire and motivate other mothers, either showing those moments of real motherhood, promoting self-love movements or sharing reflections about life with children. Today we have chosen some of them, and we share you 21 influential mothers on Instagram that you want to follow.

Maya Vordestrasse

I will tell you a little about my journey. I always dreamed I would breastfeed my child as long as I could. I've seen so many beautiful and amazing journeys through the bonding and comfortIng experience that it is. I breastfed my first daughter until she was 6 months old, and I loved all of it. It was our time together, so special… and no one could take that from me. I got pregnant when she was 2 months old and by the time she was almost 6 months old, my milk was gone, dried up, like, it disappeared. I felt my heart shatter, and the guilt consumed me. We had to start bottle feeding and I thought our bond would disappear and that she would think I was not providing for her, until it hit me nothing had changed. It was still our time, she'd still grab my hair and smile at me with her eyes. She was so happy. Fed. Loved. Now I breastfeed my youngest, but the comfort of knowing that if life throws me a curved ball and I have to stop, or even if I decide to stop, she will be ok. Feeding them is beautiful. Providing for them, seeing them gain weight, grow and smile and be milk drunk makes my heart jump in happiness. So I don't know about your journey, but I can tell you that whatever your choice or circumstance, don't ever feel guilty or like you are inadequate. Ever. Just love them and do the best you can. You're a rockstar. No. Matter Que. Whatever your feeding routine consists of, it is hard being a mother, so let's show support for each other To me, fed is best… Dress by @milkmademarket Braid by @madisonbraids

Let's start with one of which we are fans in Babies and more: Maya Vordestrasse. In addition to sharing anecdotes of motherhood with a lot of sense of humor, Maya encourages the truce among mothers that ends criticism of other mothers for their way of raising, as well as showing that love can be given with tit and bottle.

A cool mother

This is the idyllic photo that my husband took the other day while taking care of my sick offspring. But the other one I published, with my foot in my face, was more faithful to my mood at that time ... Today is the last day of confinement and I am even nervous. It is a very productive day, marujily speaking. And this week I hope it will be productive, laboriously speaking ... Yesterday the workshop was amazing, I loved it and it was very helpful (thanks @educabonito_mariasoto for a day 10). Let's see if tomorrow I tell you more in the morning greeting ... How was your weekend ... #family #family #family #siblings #brothers #discipline

Isabel is the mother behind Una molona, ​​the Instagram account where she shares in photos "the adventures and misadventures of Villa Molona and its inhabitants". We like it because besides being very nice, capture through your images those small but adorable moments next to our children, with which we can all identify.

Jessica Roberts

I rushed around for an hour and a half this morning to get myself and 7 children ready for church only to find out that our van wouldnt start so we snapped a picture for our efforts and then promptly changed back into our pjs. I hope you had a better start to your Sunday than we did #robertskidsgroupshot

Jessica is a mother of seven children and a cancer survivor. Through his Instagram account @mrsjessicaroberts share the life of a large family, which in addition to everything, does homeschooling.


Two weeks ahead for these 4 together, the last. Then everything will return to "normal". Without a doubt, what gave me and gives me more fear and anguish is not being able to divide myself. When the two cry one for hunger and the other because he loves me whole (as she says) I have a hard time managing it, it will undoubtedly be the great learning of this second motherhood. Spend all my time and energy to raise them is the most beautiful and hard I've ever lived, I'll tell you. All kinds of advice are accepted. If you slide the photo, I remind you that in @danielwellington they have 15% discount on the Christmas sets + 10% of my ESTORETA code ... from @anniedelapazfoto #mumanddaughter #mumofdaughters #mumanddaughtertime #xmastime #danielwellington #dwforeveryone @danielwellingtonesp

Esther, better known in social networks as Estoreta, is the mother of two girls and in her Instagram account she shares familiar themes such as motherhood and travel, but also talks about decoration and crafts.


When your weather app says feels like -12 outside, you stay in and just cross all your fingers you can keep sibling arguments and messes to a minimum. Ya also make chocolate chip cookies before 9 in the morning cause… Photo from a few weeks ago when I thought it was as cold as it could possibly get but again… #JustSnowAlready

Naomi Davis is the mother of five children, including a pair of twins, whom she raises in one of the largest, fastest and most crowded cities in the world: New York. Through his Instagram account @taza, he shares what family life is like in the city that never sleeps.

Carameluchi family

The best hugs that exist @nohewivlog @fran_ciaro @Elashow #LaVidaConUnaSonrisa #FamiliaCarameluchi #YoSoyCarameluchi

In the Instagram account of the "Carameluchi Family" we can see the routines and day to day of this family formed by Nohe, Fran, Elaia and little William.

Dearest Daughters

i tried making biscotti (with chocolate chunks because everything is better with chocolate) for the first time and i was surprised how simple it really was they rarely all approve of the same thing at the same time but biscotti and matching jammies won this weekend

Dearest Daughters is the account of Jessica, a mother of three girls who educates at home and seeks to give her daughters a full and simple life, showing them that they are family moments and not material possessions, which brings true happiness.

Neither pink nor blue

Pink does not cure. What cures is research. What improves the quality of life even if it does not cure, is also research. What heals, or improves quality of life, are economic resources. What saves lives is to support, donate, make visible, act. Let's join the pink. But, really. More research for more life. Governments, large institutions and corporations can do a lot. But we too ... Let's join the rose, the one who heals. Let's add really, today and every day ... In #stories and on Facebook my little contribution, with all my love, for the #asociacioncancerdemamametastasico. Especially for you, Miriam… #breastcancerawareness #cancersucks #masinvestigacionparamasvida #cancerdemama

Jaione is a mother blogger behind the Instagram account @nirosaniazul, and that you may remember as the author of that viral writing entitled "The best you are", which has now become a beautiful book about real motherhood.

The littlest avenger

If you've ever stood in front of the mirror picking apart your body, I'm sorry and i see you. If you've ever skipped a meal or two or three due to feelings of guilt, I'm sorry and i see you. If you've ever felt panicked or ashamed by the number on the scale, I'm sorry and i see you. If you've ever been unable to BELIEVE in the compliments you receive, I'm sorry and i see you. If you've ever passed on buying something cute because you felt you couldn't "pull it off", I'm sorry and i see you. If you've ever taken an impromptu shower just so you could cry freely, I'm sorry and i see you. If you've ever felt shame for feeling so down when you know that you have loads to be grateful for, I'm sorry and i see you. If you've ever sabotaged a good thing because you didn't feel deserving, I'm sorry and i see you. If you've ever let one minor negative experience ruin your day, I'm sorry and i see you. If you've ever deleted a post on social media because it didn't get "enough" likes, I'm sorry and i see you. If you've ever relied on validation from others to make you feel confident and happy, I'm sorry and i see you. If you've ever felt like you don't quite qualify as an adult, let alone a mother, I'm sorry and i see you. If you've ever held yourself to an impossible standard, I'm sorry and i see you. If you've ever felt that your post performance on social media is tied to your personal happiness, I'm sorry and i see you. If you've ever compared yourself to someone else on social media and felt like you came up short, I'm sorry and i see you. If you've ever felt alone in a room full of people, I'm sorry and i see you. But remember this. A size is just a number. Food is not your enemy. Tears don't make you weak. Motherhood is f * cking hard. Social media is something to hold in your hand and not in your heart You are not alone. You don't DESERVE to feel this way. You're not broken You're not lacking. You are good enough. You are GREAT enough. You just need to * remember * it.

Hayley is the mother of a child and a pair of twins, and a tireless fighter who promotes self-respect in mothers, inviting them to love and be kind to her postpartum body, as well as to celebrate the visible changes left by motherhood.

Alma Cupcakes

Welcome Lola My heart is going to burst

Alma Obregón is a mother who shares her day to day in her Instagram account "Alma Cupcakes", whose content revolves around his three great passions: pastry, sports and his children Bruno and Lola.

In Babies and moreInstamamis: the business behind the most popular mothers on Instagram

Household Mag NY

I've been thinking a lot about what it means to become a mother over the past month or so. Michelle Obama explains this idea best when you hear the concept behind her memoir title, Becoming, The books title refers to the idea that each of us is perpetually changing, that our selves are ever evolving, not stopping at some set point with the implication that we can always become better… I feel this in my bones right now when it comes to motherhood. In so many aspects of our lives we set goals and feel as though once we reach those goals we will be done so to speak (hello potty training & pre-k), but the goals keep coming and the growth comes right along with it. After all of lifes ups and downs these past few months theres something the universe has been trying to teach me when it comes to motherhood (and has taught me before) & it's finally, finally clear to me. More on #householdmagny #householdmotherhood @amyfrancesphoto

Hailey Andresen shares in his blog and @ Instagramholdmagny images of her daily life as a mother, usually accompanied by some sincere and honest reflection, touching emotional and sometimes delicate issues, such as the gestational loss she suffered in her second pregnancy.

Mother of five dragons

WE ALREADY HAVE WINNER OF OUR IDEAL BACKPACK @ MYBALT ... AND THE LUCKY IS ... @ GLORIALARUBI ... Happy with my new BALT VELVET, it can't be more stylish and more comfortable, especially the days that you don't have hands to take the bag. Surely you really want one. So ... we have a New DRAW. What better way to start Christmas, than by raffling a backpack @mybalt Warm Pouch There are 7 colors to choose from you can see on the web What do you have to do to participate? Very easy 1Dale I like the photo. 2Name 4 friends, remember that you can name as many times as you want, and you will be more likely to win. 3Follow @motheroffivedragons and @mybalt. I will announce the winner on Sunday, December 2 at night type 23 hrs, I will confirm the time ... Good luck ... Happy with my new BALT VELVET, it is so stylish and comfortable, especially the days that you do not have any hands to pick up the hand bag. Sure you really want one So… we have a new DRAW. What better way to start Christmas than skipping a backpack @mybalt Warm Pouch There are 7 colors to choose from you can see them on the web What do you have to do to participate. Very easy 1 "Like" the photo. 2 Name 4 friends, remember that you can name as many times as you want, and you will have more chances to win. 3Follow @motheroffivedragons and @mybalt. I will announce the winner on Sunday, December 2 at night, around 23 hrs, I will confirm the time… Good luck… Triplets wearing @mhtiendas Little Hurricanes @sophiekidswear @nicolikids @ adidasoriginals… #motheroffivedragons #motheroffiveboys #triplets #trillizos #fivebrothers # motherandsons #myboys #mylife #inlove

Carla Rebuelta is the mother of five children, two children and triplets, hence the name of her Instagram refers to five little dragons. In addition to sharing what his life is like with his five children, he also shares a topic he loves: fashion.

I'm not a drama mom

WELCOME AUROR Thanks for letting me reconcile with life. Because when there was once you said goodbye to your baby at the same moment you met him; when you came home with a broken heart and empty arms ... This heals the soul. I have no words to explain what I feel. Thank you all for the love and support these months #newborn #reciennacido #parto #birth #rainbowbaby #bebearcoiris #bebe5 # welcome

"I am not a drama mom" is the name of the blog and Instagram account of Carmen Osorio, journalist and mother of five children, four on earth and one in the sky, and of which the smallest is a rainbow baby.

7 pairs of Katiuskas

Years after being a mother I can tell you something about my experience. Even if you have very affectionate children and kisses, even if you insist on giving them achuchones at all times, when they grow up, they slowly take off from you. It is the law of life. They still love you and you, but, although there are exceptions, there is no longer so much physical contact. And that gives a little sadness ... at least to me. This is one of the fears of which I speak in the book, when I wrote it I cried without wanting to. I'm afraid I haven't given all the kisses I should. I am afraid that there will come a time when I feel physical emptiness. This is a reality that I find it hard to assume. The phases change, life changes, things change. Beautiful stages, very funny, hard too. We will give them many kisses, and try to never end. #ElMasterDeLaMaternidad #LearningASerMother #EnCadaFaseDeLaVida

7 pairs of Katiuskas is Paloma Blanc's blog and Instagram, a mother of 8 children, who shares the daily life of a large family, as well as some reflections on the growth of children. He recently published his first book "The wonderful adventure of being a mother", where he tells his experience.

Mayya Bor

With four kids in the house someone is always crying. Currently its me. But seriously, based on the amount of laundry loads I do daily, Im going to assume that there are people living here Ive never seen before)

Mayya Bor is a nurse and mother who, in addition to sharing photographs of family moments, create fun and creative images with his four children.

Mamis & kids

Weekend mornings are "no hurry, please." Sleep for a little while (if they are for the job), endure a little more time in pajamas, play for a while in bed ... During the week we always hurry to not be late for school. Why do you take advantage of the relaxation of hurrying the weekends. Happy Sunday ... #maternidadreal # 2019mak # conmisniñas # lapequeñaL # lapequeñaE #familymoments #sunday #bloggervalencia #VillaMamisandkids #inviernomamisandkids #pijamaday #maternity #mama #relax #sinprisas #potd

In her Instagram account "Mamis & Kids", Nuria shares her life as the mother of two little ones, sometimes accompanied by brief reflections, and sometimes with a funny touch, such as the time she posted a video dancing with her seven month old belly, showing that you also have a lot of rhythm in pregnancy.

Oh! Mommy

This is strong After reading all your questions and answers, it is true that in some cases I have become sad. This will help us for the next project we are working on and Jana's doctoral thesis. I will try here briefly summarizing what the majority says and there will be cases that I treat individually in another post ... In the questions of whether you have been afraid to embark on the path to motherhood. Lesbian and bisexual mothers ... -90% of 4,600 answers are that they are afraid, because they think their children will suffer bulling and rejection for having two mothers, and some who are afraid that their son will miss the father figure ... the response of heterosexual mothers. -The majority say they have been afraid of not being able to reconcile, that their identity as a woman is lost, not having time for them, and job and halting instability ... And both parties that do not have a partner are worried about not finding the person with the Than sharing motherhood. To both of you I say that the possibility of being a single mother exists, and that for me those who decide to carry out this process or have seen themselves on the road without being what I thought have all my admiration ... Both things make me sad, because no We can control what will happen, life is uncertain, but really that women who share or think to share life with another woman, you can not be afraid that your son will suffer for you, take away that feeling of guilt, because it is horrible, block and it won't let you enjoy a path that I assure you is wonderful. We are surprised that there is still so much homophobia within the LGBTI collective itself. If the group is not sure, how is society supposed to be? Let's keep fighting for equality and respect. This weekend we will be talking about this and much more in fitur with @ellafestival if you do not have the tickets I leave the link in stories. A lot of strength # lgtbespaña #lgbt #twomoms # Dosmamás #activismolgtb Photo by @cortesgraphy and @laratascon for @voguespain

Veronica and Jana they share their life as mothers of Alex through his account @ oh.mamiblue, where they publish photographs of their hobbies, such as gastronomy, travel and motherhood.

Olivia Wilde

My daughter, my teacher, my best friend, I love you with everything Ive got. Of course you were born on #internationaldayofthegirl. Happy Birthday, Daisy Jo

We could not leave some famous women off the list who, after having children, also began to share a little of their life as mothers. In addition to sharing her professional side, actress Olivia Wilde occasionally shares photographs with her children, to whom she is also part of her working life, such as that occasion in which she posed breastfeeding her son during a photo session of Glamor magazine.

P! Nk

Storytime Charlottesville

Singer P! Nk is another famous mother who shares her motherhood, sometimes with a photograph breastfeeding in "multitasking mode" and also giving positive speeches to her daughter during important events in the world of music.

Hilary Duff

Calling all parents of colic babies ... this ends right Can you ever set them down with out them screaming OR waking up We have read everything the internet has to offer ... nothing besides nursing basically every hour or less helps We have done all the obvious things ... please leave magic tricks in comments. Oh and happy new year lol #thankGforfilters #babyforsale #anytakers

Actress Hilary Duff recently became a mother for the second time and usually shares photographs with her two children. Recently it was news to recreate the viral photography of the actress Rachel McAdams about breastfeeding.

Chrissy Teigen

Luna making me feed her babydoll so I guess I have twins now

Finally, we close our list of moms on Instagram with one of our favorites: Chrissy Teigen. The model and actress not only shares natural and spontaneous photographs of her life as the mother of two children, but has also spoken openly about the postpartum depression she suffered after the birth of her first daughter, Luna.

Video: Scientists Prove: Your Birth Month Defines Your Health and Personality (July 2024).