The kitchen found, a book against childhood obesity

A new book tries to educate parents about how obesity can be reduced in children by raising awareness about the importance of a healthy and balanced diet. In The kitchen found, the author Teresa Pérez tries to combine healthy eating and reading, since they are, according to the author, two poor topics that should be further developed in children.

The author tries through her book to change two aspects of our society and, although thanks to the different media every day this situation is remedied a little more, there is still a long way for all children to enjoy a healthy diet and are fond of reading, something that remarkably enhances the intellect. In the book, the Ministry of Health and Education and various professionals have collaborated in the Perseo program (initiative to try to combat childhood obesity of children between the ages of 6 and 10).

The truth is that the book has few recipes, but in reality it is not a mere recipe book, but about all the important aspects that surround a good diet and the possible consequences of not being done. Similarly, we try to raise awareness about the great importance of reading and how it enriches the child.

Video: Kids Nutrition - Their Future is at Stake (July 2024).