Prevent lice before they appear

With the return to school also return the undesirable little bugs to populate the heads of our little ones. The medium favors contagion, therefore we will give some advice to prevent lice before they appear.

When the child begins to scratch his head desperately is that they have already been installed and you have to apply a treatment to remove them, but to try to avoid that we have to do what is in our hands to avoid it.

Tied hair, more controlled

Girls with long hair, it is preferable that they always carry it tied, or with a ponytail, with two, or better with tight braids.

Contagion occurs when the heads are brought together, so carrying the hair on the ground makes it more feasible than when joining with another mane, the lice become infected.

There are many hours spent in school with other children. The louse does not jump from one head to another, walks, and when joining two mane with ground hair it passes from one to another, so wearing tied hair makes contagion more controlled.

Do not share hairdressing items

I refer to brushes, combs, pigtails, hairpins, as well as caps, scarves, or any object worn on the head.

In the locker rooms or in swimming pools it gives rise to some children using the things of others, so we have to teach our children that there certain personal items that are not shared.

Also in the case of towels, or school clothes, it is preferable that it be stored in your backpack instead of hanging on hooks next to the clothes of other children.

Let the lice not rise

exist products to prevent the spread of lice such as lotions and shampoos with repellents, there are various brands and can be purchased at the supermarket or pharmacy.

You can also find in herbalists some natural products which also act as a repellent, as a tea tree essence, citronella essence or quassia amara. You can add it to the spray detangler that you usually use to comb children.

Another well-known trick is to rinse your hair with a mixture of a part of apple cider vinegar and two of water. You can apply it after showering, without rinsing.

The nits, infallible

Finally, the best prevention is pass the nits daily after showering, with wet hair and after having applied enough conditioner.

It is preferable to spend a little time each day to spend the nits and not to frequently check the children's heads, at least once a week. When it begins to itch it is because the lice have been there for quite some time and have released their saliva on the scalp, which is what causes itching.

If we pass the nit daily we can detect the problem from the beginning preventing it from going further. Just by telling you that each adult female is able to lay an average of 200 eggs you can already give yourself an idea of ​​how quickly it extends.

I hope these Tips to prevent lice before they appear May these days be useful when the lice do not miss the return to school.

Video: 8 Tips to Prevent and Treat Head Lice (July 2024).