Advertising on the belly of a pregnant woman in exchange for two tickets to the Super Bowl

Sometimes hobbies can lead people to act strangely, perhaps it is not so strange if it is a publicist that what you want is to go to the Super Bowl (the sporting event with the greatest expectation in the United States) but without spending money, ask for two tickets, which can cost up to $ 5,000, in exchange for painting an advertisement on their belly for almost nine months of gestation.

Through the network, on eBay and Craiglist, Jennifer Gordon offers her belly for more creative advertising of this year. Her husband, Match Gordon, is delighted with the idea of ​​his wife, says that these kinds of things are what fans do and ensures that there are already about 45 people interested.

This staunch American football fan only puts the condition that advertising does not announce the rival team. Do you think it is a good advertising strategy? Do you think you should not use your pregnancy to get to attend the event? And if it is a craving that is not fulfilled and the child goes out with the whole equipment engraved on his skin? Anyway, sorry for our irony but for us it is silly, there seems to be no limits to fanaticism. What do you think?

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