OpenID: new comment system in Babies and more

As of today we implement in Babies and more a new way to post comments through the commentator record.

The advantage is obvious. It will allow us to reduce spam and malicious, offensive, off-topic (off-topic) or eagerly promotional comments with the idea of ​​improving the conversation at the entrances.

On the other hand, it will prevent phishing in the comments to avoid misunderstandings.

How should you do from now on to leave a comment on Babies and more?

Through the Openlog server of WeblogsSL you can register by creating your own account by entering a username and password.

Then you can make your comments on this blog by placing only your username in the field that appears below the comments.

It will also help you to comment on any other blog or website that supports the OpenID system.

If you have any questions you can go to the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) of our server.

As for the content of the comments, we take this opportunity to remind you that in Babies and more we do not answer medical questions, so the comments that contain these types of questions will be deleted.

Link | WeblogsSL Open ID Server

Video: Testing OAuth2 Authorization Flow with Postman Authorization Code Grant (July 2024).