Firhall: a town in Scotland where children are not allowed

A few months ago I discovered a term that left me quite stunned: Childfree (free of children). Since then I have seen it associated with vacations (“children's free vacations”), zones (“children free zone”), hotels (“children free hotel”) and now even villages (“children free town”).

This week has appeared a news describing a town called Firhall, in Scotland, in which Children are not allowed to live.

Eight years ago, some norms were approved that, according to its inhabitants, have the objective of “improving coexistence”. Anyone who wants to live in Firhall You must sign a deed of ownership of your home in which you agree not to have ducks, pigeons, rabbits or bees. They can have one dog per family (neither two nor three, but one) and children cannot reside.

In fact, to be able to buy a house in this town you have to be over 45 years old, so they don't even accept young couples without children who want to live there.

Now, the presence of children is not entirely forbidden, because grandchildren's visits are accepted or if they are children of other people (who comes to see a friend and bring their children), although there is a limit on the how often they can enter Firhall.

These norms have provoked criticism, since when they are made public some media have labeled the town as "the place of the ogres who hate children." People spokesmen have commented that there is no hatred towards children, much less, but that they are looking for offer some peace and quiet to those people who look for her when they get older.

I don't know what you think about it, but it seems to me a rather sad and silent town, two of the characteristics that could be considered contrary to adjectives such as "cheerful" or "full of life."

I speak now that I have 14 years to live in Firhall: today, I would like that precisely in the years when silence and loneliness appear, someone will fill my days with light, color and life, and the children have All that in quantity.

Video: One Man Decided To Explore The 'Door To Hell' (July 2024).