A video parodies the supposed racism of Mexican children

We told you yesterday: a controversial test indicated that Mexican children preferred whites instead of blacks. However, Armando has already revealed the deficiencies of this test and the multiple reasons that could exist for the results do not mean that children are racist, something that was detached from the previous video (or the authors intended to be detached).

The answer has not been expected in other areas, in a humorous way and in a great viral video that parodies the supposed racism of Mexican children, and that has been hundreds of thousands of visits since it was posted a few days ago (notice, in the end it uses a rather rude tone in my opinion for the tacos used).

Despite the seriousness of the background of the subject, I could not stop laughing at watching this video that imitates different characters in front of the two dolls that were given to choose the children, one white and one black. There are those who imitate children, there is twice as much Michael Jackson (can you imagine which baby he chooses?), The Jedi, a black-dyed mechanic, someone with little discernment to whom they indicate the answers to be given , a member of the Ku Klux Klan ...

The truth is that it seemed to me a great response to that controversial video that in my opinion he wanted to sell a distorted image of reality without getting to the bottom of the problem (which there may be, but it is not a matter of children but of adults) and preparing a simplistic and faulty test to obtain nothing reliable results.

A video prepared so that the results were what they wanted, in which the children seem to be making their first steps as actors (come on, it's not that they are following a script but that they usually appear in the media), they are on a recording set , the questions are addressed ...

And there is also the issue of psychological value of colors, that in our context relates black to evil. So, as the only character in the video with “common sense” says, they would have put two cars, two pigeons, two shopping carts or two candies, the children would have chosen the target in all cases and not for that reason we would say that They are racist.

The controversial video especially provoked in Mexico a wave of self-incrimination and horror at the results. And, although surely this has served to stop to reflect on the issue that is undoubtedly latent in our lives, this response video ends with the following message: "Analyze things before eating them so easy."

All this follows of the humorous viral that parodies the supposed racism of Mexican children that you can see now, where the answers that "don't work" to those behind the cameras are replaced by others. It is a video of the popular humorists of Werevertumorro, of Mexican origin, who do not usually leave a puppet with a head, often criticizing their own ills.

Video | Youtube
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