Born at home

Today I propose a recommended reading if you are considering the option of giving birth in your own home.

A general awareness is being generated about the possibility of the couple choosing the way they want to bring their children into the world.

A tendency that in recent times is gaining more and more followers is to have a natural birth in the privacy of your own home but with all medical guarantees.

The book Born at home, written by Sheila Kitzinger, veteran defender of the right of women to choose the way to give birth to their children, is not a novelty in bookstores but a classic that will help you clear all doubts about home birth.

The interesting thing is that it collects testimonies of women who have had their babies in their own home.

With their experiences told first hand you can get an idea of ​​what it feels like at that time and how to deal with childbirth based on the advice of other women who have already gone through that trance.

Maybe the book, which has been written with great sensitivity, gives you the little push you need to tell you to have a home birth.

208 pages | RBA Publishers | ISBN: 84-7901-902-6 | 17.50 euros

Video: Unassisted Home Water Birth Baby #7 (July 2024).