Fungi in babies: ringworm of the feet

The fungal infections They are very common in babies, although they can usually be prevented. The fungi located in the folds of the toes are some of the most frequent in the small ones, and it is known as "ringworm" or "ringworm", being its scientific name 'tinea pedis'.

This infection is caused by a type of fungus called dematophytes, and it is recognized because the affected skin appears white and macerated, with erosions and fissures of red color and with a tendency to spread through the toes and the sole of the foot. Sometimes flaking and increased sweating also appear.

Ringworm can be contracted by contact of the feet with an infected soil or with an animal carrying the fungus.

The condition is more frequent is located in the spaces between the fourth and fifth fingers, followed by the third and fourth fingers, although the infection can spread to the nails or other parts of the body from there.

It can be prevented by daily hygiene, washing and drying the skin well of the baby even between the toes and other folds of the foot. Also using the appropriate socks at the outside temperature (thinner or thicker) and breathable shoes so that sweat does not accumulate on the feet.

Nor should they be allowed to walk or crawl on floors that are at risk of infection, such as pool floors, or result in suspicious hygiene (unknown animals ...).

The treatment It is usually topical, according to medical prescription, although for more generalized infections, oral treatment may be necessary.

Video: How to Kill Ringworm (July 2024).