Being a dad: tips for taking better photos

If there is something that is socially related to the male gender, it is without a doubt our love for pottery technological (and more things, but now they do not come to mind).

This situation makes that before the birth and experiences of our baby we assume (or are entrusted to us) the task of documenting his life and miracles.

That is why I will comment on tips, very simple, that I am an amateur photographer, to make better photos or at least more fun and entertaining to watch.

  • Add originality, variety and humor. Your baby is very funny, and very cute. No one will tell you otherwise, but seeing twenty photos of your child lying in the crib can make something heavy. I know that from your point of view "the two are different because here it looks to the left and in this one to the right", but for the viewer the change is imperceptible. To make the viewing moment something more fun you must add elements that offer variety: Dress the baby with funny clothes, with a hat or with your AC / DC shirt. Have family members try to imitate the baby's face while holding it, roll it with stuffed animals, put it on a large tray, place a loaf of bread under your arm ...
  • Use high resolutions. Today the memory cards are of quite high capacities, so a high resolution does not mortgage as much as before the total number of photos you can take. Perhaps in one of many photos you take you have the poster for the room, the future Christmas greeting or the calendar of the following year. It would be a shame if it were small and could not be done.
  • Get for the pictures: It usually happens that when you see the photos you realize that the baby has no father. Use the self-timer and so your child, in a few years, can laugh at those times when Dad had hair. You can use a tripod or find a suitable place to leave the camera so you can go out in the frame. Another option, of course, is for your partner to take pictures of you and your baby, but those of the family should never be ignored, they look so good in the frames ...

Below I leave you links with more tips that have already been discussed in Babies and more with which you can expand the knowledge and tricks for get better photos with babies and in a few days I will leave you some tips to make better videos.

Video: The Try Guys Re-Create Photos Of Their Dads Fatherhood: Part 1 (July 2024).