Help Pocoyo in Earth Hour 2013

Today, March 23, the Earth Hour takes place between 8:30 pm and 9:30 pm in Spain (one hour less in the Canary Islands), a project with which Pocoyo has been collaborating for years. This year you can help Pocoyo in Earth Hour 2013

This year Pocoyo asks us "What would you be able to do at Earth Hour?" and proposes a very simple game, which we have already played at home, to help clean two tons of marine debris. Is about "Clean the oceans", which have already played more than 12,000 children, but which aims to reach 100,000.

In this simple game we have to help Pocoyo clean the trash that comes out of the water with a fishing rod: cans, tires, showers ... and even radio devices!

Here we also leave you with an interesting Pocoyo activity book that proposes children to color, cut, draw and varied hobbies such as joining with arrows, mazes, finding the differences ...

Finally, we remember with this video that Pocoyo is going to turn off the light tonight at Earth Hour, an initiative of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) to raise public awareness about the importance of fighting climate change. And you, will you turn off the light?

Official Site | Pocoyo, Earth Hour In Babies and more | Pocoyo, ambassador for Earth Hour, Pocoyo joins Earth Hour, Children's Activities for Earth Hour

Video: Clean up the Oceans with Pocoyo and his Friends for Earth Hour 2013 (July 2024).