Saving ideas in the celebration of First Communion

In Peques and more we have a lot of content published about Communion and every year we like to remember also tips save in the family. And although the crisis has taught us to value more and be more careful with the unnecessary expenses we can still adjust costs more. That is why we really liked the advice that they have sent us from Daily Savings that focus on the three fundamental items of the first communion: the suit, the celebration and the gifts.

At suit from First Communion We propose to analyze in an exhaustive way the catalogs on the Internet to obtain the best prices, it can also be purchased second-hand or borrowed from friends or family whose children have used it recently. The rise of do it yourself It has also reached the First Communion ceremonies and is a perfect excuse to save us a good amount in the realization of accessories for the suit and as we will see now, also for the celebration.

The celebration It can be done in a family garden, in a friend's house, in the parish enclosure or even hire a local, with or without catering included. On food, and in the case of a children's celebration, you have to choose simple products and to the taste of children. Perhaps the best option is a buffet, which also allows everyone to move freely.

For the decor you can resort to Internet and find accessories, ornaments and even food labels. Shopping centers such as El Corte Inglés make available to their clients the platform of the communion list It offers many advantages for both celebrants and guests. And it is that in addition to obtaining the items selected in the list in advance you can obtain significant discounts on the purchase card with respect to the total number of goods given away.

In any case the crisis It has also made it easier for us to separate the grain from the straw and as Patricia recommended us some time ago, it is more interesting back to basics also in the Communions and realize what the meaning of the celebration is and discuss it with the kids to minimize the media impact and that of the gifts.

In Peques and More | Savings Tips for First Communion In Daily Savings | Ideas to save on First Communion Image | Antonio Marano

Video: Making Spiritual Milestones Memories-Save the Dates (July 2024).