Objections to the Estivill Method

With my first child and the difficulties I had to sleep I bought the book "Fall asleep, child" by Dr. Estivill determined to apply the method to the letter. I confess that I did not have enough strength or heart to apply it. When Lucas turned three, I educated him to sleep using the chip economy method. Now with my little Arturo I apply what I have called the trumpet-Mozart-mom / dad / aunt's arms, when the dream comes, but he refuses to stay, we give him the pacifier, we cradle him in the arms while he sounds of Mozart's music background. Arturo does not resist. In my case, the boss is my heart, no matter how tired I am.

In other cases, the Estivill Method has given good results to many parents as we have seen in the comments of the post "Sleep, child, does the end justify the means?" where an interesting debate has arisen between followers and detractors of the famous method.

In relation to the controversy generated by Dr. Estivill in the Pediatric Area, a video made with the collaboration of users has been posted, which according to psychologist María Paula Cavana is a clear adherence to the Estivill Method, and she as a detractor has made an interesting analysis phrase by phrase of the video that can be read on the Cozybebé blog.

It is worth reading.

Video: Rain 1932 film (July 2024).