Give the baby a beer or a glass of wine after breastfeeding or bottle feeding?

Do you see this baby in the picture? He has just taken a chest and his mother has thought about giving him a beer, which he drinks while he has just fallen asleep. Other times he gives him a glass of wine. It doesn't do it in every shot. He doesn't even do it daily. He does it only sometimes because he has been told that because the baby drink a bottle of beer or wine, occasionally, nothing will happen to him.

Would anyone do it?

I don't know if you know someone who does what I just said. I do not. I don't know anyone who is capable of giving your child alcohol, nor do I know anyone who can say that "yes woman, give him a little alcohol once in a while, nothing happens."

However, I do know of many people who tell you to pregnant women that nothing happens if they drink some alcohol from time to time, and instead, these people put their hands to their heads if you explain that you are thinking of giving alcohol to your baby when she is born, when it is exactly the same.

What's this all about?

You are probably wondering what this is about giving a baby alcohol in a bottle. I tell you. Four days ago I published an entry explaining that alcohol in pregnancy could be considered a crime in Britain. This entry generated several opinions, especially on the Facebook page of Babies and more, where many people said it was an exaggeration because nothing happens if you drink some alcohol from time to time. You know, if we talk about an alcoholic pregnant woman, it is worth it, but a normal woman who has a drink once in a while, because there is no reason to criminalize her, they said.

Because by the same rule of three, a mother who did what I said in the first paragraph, give her baby a bottle with alcohol inside, should not be considered badly. Of course, if he made the child an alcoholic, for giving him all the bottles with alcoholic beverages it is worth it, but for one who gave him from time to time nothing should happen, right?

The alcohol baby the pregnant woman "drinks" the fetus

And it's the same because alcohol crosses the placental barrier at a concentration of 1: 1. This means that the same amount of alcohol that reaches the woman's blood reaches the blood of the fetus, with the difference that the fetus has immature organs in formation, while the mother has perfectly mature organs.

That some glass of alcohol kill some of the woman's neurons will not change anything in her life. That some glass of alcohol kills some of the brain's neurons in formation of the baby, maybe yes. And this happens because the fetus takes much longer to break down the alcohol it receives. The mother, as an adult and with organs that work well, metabolizes it much faster than the body of the fetus, which not only does it tolerate it much worse but it also takes much longer to eliminate it.

It is clear that a woman who drinks a drink throughout pregnancy is not the same as one who drinks a drink, three times a day. But it is also clear that if a woman asked us if it seems right to give a baby a drink, even if it is the first and only one, we would say no.

The amount of safe alcohol in pregnancy is not determined because it does not exist. That is, no one can say what is the amount from which the baby can suffer problems, and that is why nobody ever says how much alcohol a pregnant woman can drink. The most advisable and logical is, thinking about the baby, do not drink any alcohol while pregnant and obviously never give alcohol to the baby.

In any case, if a mother wants her child to try it, it is almost better that she do so once she is born than while pregnant. At least that way the baby has more developed organs and the damage will be worse (this is a reality, but please understand that I am being sarcastic).

Video: Breastfeeding & Alcohol. Breastfeeding (July 2024).