Discomfort in pregnancy: dizziness, headache and nasal congestion

We continue in our Special Pregnancy with other of the most frequent discomforts that women suffer during pregnancy. We will talk now about dizziness, headaches and nasal congestion which can even cause nosebleeds. We will know better the causes of these disorders and how to cope with them.


It is a classic (especially in soap operas) to associate the beginning of a pregnancy with dizziness and fainting. It is normal for dizziness to occur during pregnancy, especially during the first months in which the body's cardiovascular system is adapting to the new situation.

Dizziness happens when blood pressure drops. They are usually more frequent in the morning but can occur at any time of the day such as after eating (because a greater amount of blood is concentrated in digestion) or by standing a long time.

What to do?

● It is very common that they occur when you get out of bed or a chair, so avoid sudden changes in position. Be careful and do it gently. When you wake up, stay half-seated in bed a few minutes before standing up.

● Avoid crowded places and closed places without ventilation.

● If you feel dizzy, lie down with your legs up and relax by taking slow breaths (breathing through your nose, gently exhaling through your mouth). Lying on the left side also helps increase blood flow to the heart and to the brain.

● If you can't lie down, sit with your head between your knees so that blood flows to the brain.

● Avoid feeling empty stomach. For that, eat small portions of more frequent foods throughout the day. Avoid carbonated drinks, coffee, tea and fatty foods and drink water several times a day to stay hydrated.

● Always carry a candy or a candy in your bag to have on hand when you feel dizzy. It will help raise blood sugar.

● Includes foods with iron in the diet. They help increase the amount of red blood cells responsible for transporting oxygen.

● If you feel broken, always ask for help, so you will avoid falling and hurting yourself. If you are driving, stop and follow the advice I have given you before.


Again, hormonal changes are responsible for the severe headaches that occur during pregnancy. There are women who also suffer during the premenstrual period.

The pains may be more frequent during the first trimester due to the increase in the volume of blood circulation and a decrease in blood glucose. It is a very characteristic pain that is concentrated on both sides of the head and neck. In the last quarter they can be repeated due to postural problems caused by the weight of the gut.

What to do?

● As with dizziness, eat small amounts of food several times a day to avoid hypoglycemia.

● Exercise, again, but always moderate. A walk or swimming are ideal activities to activate blood circulation but without the need for strenuous energy wear.

● Relax. It is not necessary that you stop doing your daily activities because you are pregnant, but that you lower the level of demand and find relaxing moments.

● Maintain a good posture. Exercise, especially yoga or pilates for pregnant women helps a lot to get it.

● When a headache appears there are some tips that can help you relieve it. Lie in the dark, preferably on the left side, put cold pads on your forehead and relax. Massages in the temples and the eyebrows usually help as well as putting the legs up to improve blood circulation.

● If the headaches are very strong you should consult your doctor because it could be a symptom of preeclampsia.

Nasal congestion and hemorrhages:

Many women (between 20 and 30 percent) feel frequent nasal congestion during pregnancy, as if they were crammed without being in fluids or the product of any allergy. The sensation is that of having a blocked nose without being cold.

The so-called rhinitis of pregnancy is due to an inflammation of the nasal mucosa caused by the high level of estrogen, the main female hormone, and the dilation of blood vessels.

It usually appears in the second month of pregnancy and can persist throughout pregnancy, which can be quite uncomfortable.

You should pay attention to it because if the congestion is accompanied by other symptoms such as sore throat or swollen glands it could be a cold, and if your eyes or nose itch, it could be an allergy.

Congestion itself may cause nosebleeds. If your nose starts to bleed, don't be alarmed. You should remain seated or lying down (with your head higher than the rest of the body) by firmly pressing the nostrils with your index and thumb fingers for five to ten minutes.

What to do?

● Avoid dry environments. Use a humidifier at home to raise the humidity of the environment.

● Get steam baths by filling a bowl with hot water and breathing the vapors.

● Wash your nostrils only with saline solution to clear the nasal passages. Nasal drops are contraindicated during pregnancy.

● Drink plenty of fluids and sleep with your head higher than your body.

● Avoid any irritating substance such as perfumes, smoke sites, alcohol and sudden temperature changes.

● Do not blow your nose too hard and sneeze with your mouth open to prevent bleeding.

As we always say, as in the case of the discomforts that we have already talked about, if some of these discomforts that I have named today (dizziness, fainting, headache, nosebleeds) are very frequent and very intense, you should consult it with your doctor

Video: What causes headaches dizziness and nausea ? Most Asked Questions on Health (July 2024).