Dads and Moms Blogs (XI)

As we have been reading every week Dads and moms blogs, enjoying and learning from other families who, through the network, share their experiences with us.

I begin with the gratitude Mari Cruz, the author of one of my reference blogs, "Meditate to be", which delights us with a gift, the advancement of her next book of meditations for children with a delicate narrative that will lead the little ones to A great relaxation enhancing your imagination and creativity.

In the usual blog of Mari Cruz, "Macedona de dulce dulce", of which I have already spoken to you on occasion, we can find another meditation that children will love. We have already done it, as we do every night, and it has really been a beautiful experience.

In "Cacerolas y Hugs", Azu and Malena bring us many interesting topics this week, such as a collection of resources to celebrate San Jordi, Book Day, and the great idea of ​​organizing a virtual support group to learn to better organize household chores.

I also love being able to introduce you to the blog of Montse, one of our readers, mom and writer, who tells beautiful and emotional stories, which take us to the world of feelings. The blog is called "The trunk of Mon" and expresses precisely what is done "for the pleasure of narrating, for the desire to feel, for the dream of transmitting."

I highlight these two beautiful stories: "Mother Lioness, Lioness Mother" and "The Time of the Elves", two true delicacies for the reader.

And I continue. In Laura's interesting blog, "Teaching to fish", she explains the personal experience with unschooling, a way of educating at home in which the child is provided with resources but does not direct her learning, leaving it to be the one who Go forward according to your interests. And so, his son Damián, one afternoon asked for a pen and began to write words like "dangerous" or "dinosaur" without anyone starting to teach him previously, only driven by his curiosity and observation.

In "Mamá dame teta", Janet, a doula of great sensitivity, explains her thoughts on topics that our readers are sure to have raised. The socialization of young children and that effort we have in making them learn to share things when they may not be prepared for it, and also what is called "mamitis".

And our friend and companion Miriam, in "Parenting and trust" adds to the above new notes on a way to live motherhood from respect and empathy, in an always accurate and simple way. He asks and asks us such serious things as if being parents makes us selfish or how many children we should have.

I have to confess that this week's walk through the moms and dads blogs It has been for me one of the most fruitful and enriching, and I hope you enjoy your reading as much as I have done.

Next week we will offer you a new review by moms and dads blogs.

Video: Biblical Series XI: Sodom and Gomorrah (July 2024).