Everyone to move! Suggestions for having an active family

Sedentary lifestyle is the enemy of good health and fun. However, we do not always want to go for a walk or exercise, it is normal and there are times for everything. And what about visiting a museum or going shopping? The more ideas we have about how to be an active family, more possibilities we will have to leave the sofa or the computer and get moving.

We have to take advantage of our daily routines to include children in them, so that shopping or cooking can be a reason to share time. Our environment offers multiple activities, landscape and cultural, are we going to miss them? It is not necessary to travel miles away to discover and learn, we have that learning very close. Let's see a few suggestions to get moving with children.

  • Discover the landscapes of your surroundings. An excursion, walking, by bike or by car, can bring us closer to those landscapes so close that children (and even many times we) do not know.

  • Discover the culture of your surroundings. Museums, churches, cultural centers, exhibitions ... Check your local cultural agenda, as they often offer family activities.

  • Stroll around the city or the surrounding area, approaching the outskirts, the beach or the mountain ... offers many possibilities for contact with the environment.

  • Hiking with children, a variant of the above, more in touch with nature.

  • Find after-school activities, extracurricular activities (always in their rightful measure) or others that are eventually scheduled in your area.

  • Going by bicycle, with the helmet on and all protective measures, riding a family bike is a great way to get moving.

  • Go on roller skates, also with all the necessary security, for older children who have already learned to go on wheels.

  • Playing sports (apart from the previous suggestions). As an extracurricular activity or not, for evenings or weekends, have you asked the kids what sport they like best or would they like to do?

  • Dancing with children: there are many reasons to move the skeleton and we will have a great time to the rhythm of your favorite music.

  • Be active at home, help clean, place the purchase, tidy up your room, make the bed ...

  • Also at home we can perform a lot of simple and fun games with the children.

  • Shopping and cooking together, a way to involve children in an important family task.

  • Play with an active pet, which bring many benefits to children.

  • Organize a yincana, a game in which treasures are sought, tests are passed ...

  • Make races, play pilla-pilla, ball and lots of traditional and outdoor games that activate the body, body and mind.

  • Eat healthy, an essential complement for the body to be ready to move.

As you can see, there are many ways to get children started and have an active family, fleeing sedentary lifestyle. There are also moments for relaxation, in fact it is very necessary and also putting these tips into practice, we will enjoy that relaxation and rest even more.

Photos | iStockPhoto
In Babies and more | Ten tips to motivate your children to do physical activity

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