What do babies laugh at? The first smiles, laughs and laughs

Few things make our soul more happy than seeing our children smile for the first time. The newborn outlines an angelic smile that although it melts us with love is nothing more than a spontaneous lip movement and reflection without motive. We can even see him make that gesture inside the mother's womb, in some ultrasounds the baby can be clearly seen "smiling" for the camera.

Later, between the fourth and sixth week of life comes his first smile, a social smile in response to a stimulus from the father or mother. Gradually, in response to stimuli, pampering and caressing will add sounds to the smile and accompany it with a movement of hands and legs. And later, around four months will start laughing out loud. But, What do babies laugh at? What makes them laugh out loud?

The study of the laughter of babies

It's a nice job to study the laughter of babies, don't you think? Dr. Caspar Addyman is a baby laugh researcher at the University of London in Birkbeck and has been studying why babies laugh and the mechanisms that cause it.

Along with crying, the smile is the only form of communication the baby has before pronouncing his first words. Therefore, through the study of laughter, we can better understand how the little ones perceive the world.

In Babies and more When the baby's first smile arrives and why it is important to correspond

Addyman has surveyed more than a thousand parents, the largest and most complete survey in the world about what makes babies laugh and the results, how could it be otherwise, we start the most tender smile.

When does the baby laugh for the first time?

Averaging ages, he has confirmed that the first smile appears around six weeks, between 2 and 4 months the social smile develops, dedicated to parents to get an answer or in response to the interaction of parents.

For its part, the first laugh comes around three and a half months. But do not despair if your child has reached that age and has not yet laughed, but some babies take their time. In some cases they have taken three times the time to release their first laugh.

Between four and six months they laugh when they are tickled, while between six and eight months the permanence of objects develops, which could explain why the games of hiding the face suddenly are especially fun.

What do babies laugh at?

Laughter is part of the baby's evolutionary process, as is speech or sleep, for example. As it grows, it causes different situations thanks to it. With three months of life a baby will not laugh if you dye your hair blue electric (color that by the way the scientist of laughter Addyman is wearing), it is later when they notice something strange that causes them grace.

But there is an infallible method for all ages that never fails to make babies laugh: the tickles. We must do them gently and choosing the right time to make it a pleasant stimulus for the baby. Tickles have great benefits for babies, as well as being a perfect connection between parents and children.

But babies don't laugh at the tickle effect itself, but that it is you who does them, which shows that the smile is a social response.

He cucu-tras, hiding place or Peekaboo He is second in the top of laughter. Covering your face and discovering the parents' questions (where is the baby, has he gone? No, he's here! ...) is one of his favorite games that always gives him a laugh.

Babies don't tend to laugh when someone falls. Instead, yes they do when it is they who fall. When they were able to stay seated, I played with my daughters in bed to gently lay them back. They were laughing at laughter!

I also remember that the first laugh of my oldest daughter, when I was about five months old, was because of bounce a ball in front of her. He kept laughing with each boat on the ground. I still keep photos of that moment that I will never forget.

Babies love to laugh, don't stop provoking moments to do them, but above all, what they like most is that it's dad and mom who make them laugh.

And now tell us, what are your babies laughing at? What is able to tear the most sincere laugh?

In Babies and more The smile of a premature baby five days after birth that gives hope to hundreds of parents

Video: Best Babies Laughing While Sleeping Compilation (July 2024).