The exciting video in which they choose children with few resources between a gift for themselves or for their parents

Not all children will have the same gifts tomorrow as ours. We have everything ready for tomorrow and we have thought about the menu to celebrate Christmas with us, but there are families where they will eat every day and where many children will have hardly any gifts, to say none.

To try to raise awareness about this, an experiment has been carried out in which several children with few resources are asked what they would want for Christmas if they could ask for anything and what they think their parents would want, to finally tell them: "You can only keep one of the gifts ... which one do you choose?". Do not miss the exciting video in which they answer that question.

What would our children do?

Surely you are all asking the same thing: what would our children do in the same situation? Don't torture yourself: they would do exactly the same. If they were children of a family without problems to reach the end of the month they would probably choose the same, the gift for parents. Maybe someone said he got his own, but there would be no problem, being the child aware that parents don't lack anything.

But in the same situation, everyone would do the same, yield in favor of others. The parents would choose the gift of the children and the children would choose the gift of the parents.

So if tonight when you are having dinner with your family, or tomorrow at lunch, you wonder what you are actually celebrating, think about this: celebrate time with the family, be able to reunite with them, be able to smile, raise your glasses and wish you that next Christmas you can have fun again all together, eating, opening gifts and sharing laughs and love.

Video: 5 FUNNIEST Cute Kids Who Called 911 (July 2024).