Brussels will try to have fathers and mothers have a four month birth leave

Will we ever see a social functioning based on equality between men and women? An equitable and respectful system towards recent parents, and women, where Being a mother does not imply an inconvenience at work and social level? Well, I am sure that yes, that moment will come someday. My only doubt is whether I will be alive to see it although the truth, call me an idealist, I have enough confidence that the next generation, that of our children, will be able to achieve it.

In any case it will not be something that happens overnight, so for that day to come, some steps will have to be taken before, and one of them is close to happening in the countries of the European Union: as we read in the country, Brussels will propose that fathers and mothers have a four month birth leave.

But women already have a four-month leave ...

Well, in Spain yes. Although there are four months: it's 16 weeks, which end before the baby is four months old. The issue is that some countries do not even reach that, so they not only want women to have those four months, but also men, for a matter of trying to equate a little, from above, from the laws, to men and women.

And it is that in data, it is observed that more than 30% of the women of Europe work part-time, by 8% of the men; that women earn 16% less and that their pension is 40% lower, as a result of the care of children and the elderly, which continue to fall mostly on them.

That is why Brussels has decided that mother and father must be four months off by birth, which they can take from birth until they turn 12. In addition, they will ensure that parents have a minimum of 10 days of paternity leave (There are countries that do not have a day) and five days a year to take care of children when they are sick.

For something one starts

It is not much, but as I say, things are not going to change overnight, but with small steps like this. As a possible solution at the domestic level, it occurs to me that parents can take down both at the same time, up to four months of the baby, so that between the two "take forward" your little one, in the months that get harder in many ways, when many have colic, they are little adapted to life outside the womb and more Dependents are.

Another option is that the mother takes the first four months, that they can even lengthen a little with the permission of breastfeeding, vacations and others, and then it is the father who enjoys the following four months, when the mother begins to work. In this case, the baby would benefit from the care of mom, especially at the beginning, and dad, especially when he is a little older. Thus they will add between both more time to take care of the child, and they will both take great autonomy in care, as well as greater knowledge of their child's needs. And there is nothing better than having to hustle with your son to learn through forced marches what is doing better and what is going worse.

In addition, as both the mother and the father will have holidays in case the sick child, they will both be responsible for going to look for him or her in the nursery or school if he gets bad, or of staying at home or taking him to the pediatrician if it is necessary.

So, as I say, for something one starts, and hopefully it will be the beginning of many other measures that ensure equal rights between men and women, which will undoubtedly help us, precisely men and women, to get rid of the macho smell that still exists in the environment as an inheritance of those times when everything revolved (and still does) around the figure of man.

What do you think?

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In Babies and more | Paternity leave in the world, Maternity and paternity leave in Europe, The best place to be a mother is Norway

Video: New EU Directive on parental and paternal leave November 2009 (July 2024).