Layoffs for pregnancy also in the municipalities

It is undeniable that practically all politicians, companies, organizations, etc., preach that equality between women and men is present in our society, as examples are the largest number of women in parliament or other positions they can hold. Companies do something similar, but there is also a palpable reality, under that blanket of equality appear the prejudices that can provide, for example, the pregnancy of an employee.

In Babies and more we have already reported on some occasions cases in which pregnancy discrimination is evident, although there are also cases in which the system can be wrong because it does not take into account some factors such as in the case of the post-blindness in the inspection Social Security with a future mom.

Today we know Ana's story, a mother who was fired because of maternity by the town hall of her town. For a couple of years now he has been demanding justice to return to his job and justice has given him every reason. However, despite having this valuable support, this mother cannot return to her work at the town hall because he argues that there is no money in the budget to cover it. The work was before becoming pregnant, so this argument does not have much validity, in addition it is necessary to be consistent and assume the mistakes, if there is no money, the same thing is to make an extraordinary meeting and shape the problem to find a solution. Ana has no fault at all and much less her two-year-old daughter, precisely these are the years that this mother has not worked for the unfair dismissal that took place.

Ana maintains her position and her struggle, it is law that her job be returned and more knowing the circumstances in which the dismissal occurred.

Apparently, in the seventh month of pregnancy, there were several hemorrhages that could endanger the life of the future baby, the doctor told him that he should keep absolute rest and so he informed the mayor, at 7 days the surprise came when He received the communication of his dismissal.

The most ironic is the justification they gave him, that he said goodbye to all mothers when they were pregnant and subsequently readmitted. The reality is that, there are still cases in all areas where a pregnancy represents hindering work and the most viable solution is dismissal.

It is necessary to denounce this type of events so that once and for all, pregnancy is considered as something natural and necessary for the continuity of the world, then it is the municipalities that lament the low birth rate of their town or city. It would not hurt the mayor who fired Ana to take a look at the Spanish government's regulations on pregnancy and work.

Good luck Ana!

Video: National Leaders Debate 2019: Full video. Maclean's and Citytv (July 2024).