A child with leukemia dies in Italy infected with measles by his brothers, who were not vaccinated

WHO has warned about the measles outbreak that Europe is suffering due to a very worrying virus spread that is threatening several countries, including Italy. In that country, the rate of vaccination of the disease has fallen below the recommended percentage of 95% of the population (found in 89%), and the outbreak has already affected three thousand people so far this year.

The last victim was a six year old boy with leukemia who, unable to be vaccinated for his illness, has died due to brain and lung complications by measles, infected by his older brothers who had not been vaccinated by parents decision.

An unnecessary risk

Measles is a very contagious disease caused by a virus, which causes high fever and a rash throughout the body, cough and conjunctivitis. It can become serious, especially if it affects immunosuppressed people as has been the case with the boy from Italy, who suffered from acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

Health experts declared that "only the immunity granted by the vaccine would have saved the child." The measles vaccine is part of the triple viral with rubella and mumps (which is administered from the year and a second dose at 2-4 years).

Leukemia suffered by the child has a 85% cure probability, that is to say that he had high chances of getting ahead. But the cause of his death was not the leukemia itself, but the complications derived from measles, infected by his older brothers, who had been vaccinated, most likely would not have gotten sick.

“Asking for freedom not to vaccinate children is like asking for freedom to go on a road at 300 kilometers per hour. It is dangerous not only for oneself but also for others, ”explains Roberto Burioni, immunologist and allergist.

Not vaccinating children threatens everyone's health and play with unnecessary risks. Parents will not have thought about it when they decided not to vaccinate their older children, but when a disease such as leukemia affects one of your children, you cannot expose it to any added risk. A factor that parents seem not to have taken into account when deciding not to immunize their children.

The triple viral vaccine and the autism ghost

The triple viral vaccine generated a lot of fear among parents following an article by Andrew Wakefield, published in the prestigious magazine The Lancet that related it to the increase in cases of autism. This was the banner of anti-vaccine movements for years (and still is) to justify non-vaccination.

However, years later the article was withdrawn since it was demonstrated that it had been a fraud, it had all been an invention of Wakefield to do business, and that he acted "dishonestly and irresponsibly." But the damage was done.

Force to vaccinate by law

Measles figures speak for themselves. Until 2009 the disease has been about to be eradicated, but in recent years it has returned to figures from decades ago. Today, measles is one of the leading causes of death among young children, although there is a safe and effective vaccine to prevent it.

Italy has decided to take action on the matter, forcing parents to vaccinate their children to stop the wave of vaccines. Undoubtedly, one of the reasons for the obligation is related to the alarming increase in measles cases in that country.

Children must comply with the vaccination schedule per dayotherwise, they will be prevented from entering kindergarten or nursery school, and fines will be imposed on parents of up to 7,500 euros. Even the possibility of loss of custody of minors in the most serious cases is contemplated.

Twelve mandatory vaccines

In addition, the number of mandatory vaccines is increased from four to twelve, which must be insured between zero and six years: poliomyelitis, diphtheria, tetanus, hepatitis B, pertussis, Haemophilus influenzae type b, meningococcus B, meningococcus C, measles, rubella, mumps and chickenpox.

Video: Child's death from measles caught from unvaccinated brother reignites debate in Italy (July 2024).