Abercrombie & Fitch launches a line of gender neutral clothing for children

Brands are increasingly aware of the need for children to freely choose the clothes they want to wear, without having to choose between "boys 'clothes" and "girls' clothes." Large stores divide the sections by gender and that is not well received by all its consumers.

Several firms are starting to offer non-specific gender garments and the US multinational Abercrombie & Fitch joins this trend with Everybody Collection, a line of gender neutral clothing for children.

Just a few days ago we talked about the claim of two Norwegian mothers to H&M proposing that the Swedish brand break with gender stereotypes. They want to show that girls can wear dinosaur t-shirts and unicorn boys, without being imposed on what they should wear.

Knowing this claim from many parents, Abercrombie & Fitch created a unisex line for children between 5 and 14 years old with 25 garments that completely eliminate the gender difference, and both boys and girls can carry them interchangeably.

This does not mean removing the boys and girls section of their stores, but in both sections these new garments from the Everybody Collection labeled as unisex will be included. This will also be done through online sales.

It does not affect at all those who want to dress their glitter girls and their superhero boys, but it adds a new option for children who do not feel identified with those styles.

My daughters will undoubtedly be delighted with this idea, especially the older one who does not feel at all identified with the clothes she finds in the girls section, but also does not feel comfortable choosing in the boys section.

His style of dress is very neutral (jeans, t-shirts and sweatshirts are his basic), and flees from pink, glitters and frills. It seems to me a very successful option for children's clothing brands begin to open the range of possibilities without gender limitations. Because there is much beyond pink and blue. What do you think about it?