The bond between mothers and daughters is the strongest of all the relations between fathers and sons

The relationship we have with our children is one that we will foster from their first years of life, so it is important to dedicate time to our children, to generate a bond with them in which trust and respect are always the basis.

Now, a study found that the relationship between mothers and daughters is the strongest, as for the relationships that may exist between parents and children.

The study

According to the study published in the Journal of Neuroscience, this is due to the chemistry of the brain and the way it processes emotions, because the part of the brain that takes care of it works more similarly between mothers and daughters, compared to the other possible relationships that may exist between parents and their children (mother-son, father-son or father-daughter) .

Although the study was small and only had the participation of 35 families, it is one that confirms the strong bond between mothers and daughters, mainly because the empathy of the mothers usually moves towards the children and in the case of the girls, it is usually stronger.

The researchers also consider that this result can be useful, since based on the mothers' mental health history, they could help predict the mental health of the daughters.

Every family is a world.

Now, although the study has found that the relationship between mothers and daughters is stronger than other relationships between fathers and sons, this does not mean that it is so in all cases. Each family is a world and even in the case of a mother who has two daughters, the relationship can be very different with each of them.

There will undoubtedly be families in which the bond between fathers and daughters is stronger, or that the sons are more united to the mother. The important thing here is to foster a good relationship with our children, so that a strong bond with them is born, based on love, empathy and respect.