
Eczema is a red vesicle that produces itching, it appears mostly in the folds of the baby's skin, forming irregular plaques. When the baby scratches, it breaks these plates and pus comes out and when it dries it forms yellowish scabs.

The causes can be several, in principle it is thought to be hereditary, but there are external agents that help trigger eczema, such as some medication, pollen, certain soaps or colonies, allergic reaction to certain foods such as milk ...

The best in cases of eczema is to go to the specialist so that we rule out another type of condition such as atopic dermatitis or seborrheic and thus give us the appropriate treatment to treat it. Remember that bathing the baby, but with the water not too hot, it helps in its hydration and you will calm the itching and irritation. It is also convenient to use oatmeal soap, a vegetable body oil or an antiseptic without detergent so that the lesions are not infected.

It is advisable to put a moisturizer two or three times a day, even if you have another treatment with a specific cream. Avoid contact with products and tissues that cause an abnormal skin reaction to the baby.

Get that in the area of ​​the eczema does not receive too much heat and if at night it scratches, keep your nails short and put on thin and comfortable gloves will prevent you from getting hurt.

Video: DermatitisEczema: A Brief Discussion of Types of Dermatitis and an Overview of Management Options (June 2024).