I have had itchy pimples: rashes during pregnancy

The skin of the pregnant woman undergoes some changes beyond the stretching necessary to accommodate the baby in her breast. Granites and rojetes are common, it is about rashes during pregnancy Fortunately they will disappear after delivery, when the hormonal level returns to its previous state.

These small lesions, which sometimes manifest with a very uncomfortable itching, are not dangerous for the mother or the baby. Skin rashes usually appear in the last month of pregnancy and rarely in the puerperium. They are known as "polymorphic eruption of pregnancy".

We are facing the specific dermatosis of the most frequent pregnancy, with an incidence of one for every ten pregnancies, which makes its appearance especially in first-time mothers and is not repeated again, generally, in the following pregnancies.

It is a pruritic self-limited inflammatory disease that occurs in varying forms. In the beginning it manifests as urticariform papules (red edematous plaques) that affect stretch marks and tend to itch a lot. Throughout their evolution these lesions vary in morphology (hence the name "polymorphic"), and may resemble granites of insect bites, blisters ...

Vesicles may develop (small blisters filled with fluid), target lesions (with a red ring around a pale center), hives (eruptions of small millimeters or several centimeters, white or reddish in color, usually surrounded by an erythematous and itchy halo), Erythematous lesions… When the lesions are cured, peeling occurs.

Rashes during pregnancy are usually located in the abdomen (precisely where there are stretch marks), and extends to the thighs and buttocks. Sometimes they also appear in the arms and other parts of the trunk of the future mother and even in the face. We have to tell the gynecologist this condition and surely will prescribe an antihistamine and / or topical medication.

We must avoid scratching so as not to enlarge the lesions, which could even suffer wounds and scabs. A cloth with fresh water may momentarily relieve symptoms. And remember not to self-medicate or apply products that are not recommended by a specialist.

The polymorphic eruption of pregnancy was previously known as "Papules and pruritic and urticariform plaques of pregnancy" and should not be confused with other skin disorders, some of which may have certain risks. Therefore, Consult the gynecologist if you get granites that itch during pregnancy.

Video: Rashes During Pregnancy (July 2024).