Why does the child have a cough?

The parents are concerned as soon as our little one has a little cough, immediately known medications are used or a pediatrician is asked for a pharmacological solution, but you do not have to look so quickly for these types of solutions, especially do not administer any medication to the child without the prior indication of the pediatrician, but find out why the child's cough is due.

Sometimes a cough is simply a defense mechanism produced by irritating products such as smoke, food debris, allergies, etc. Eliminate the cough should be provided that it does not fulfill any function or when it is very annoying for the child, but the main thing is to know why does the child have a cough.

It is necessary to pay attention to the type of cough that our child has and then be able to tell the pediatrician, because he, after listening and hearing how the child coughs, will ask if the cough is dry or wet, if it is persistent, if it is accompanied by vomiting or of fever, if the child has lost his appetite, if he is prevented from sleeping at night, etc. All the data that can be collected to inform the specialist will be important to be able to give a correct diagnosis, since each type of cough has its own characteristic depending on where it is located.

Dry cough, accompanied by carraspera, mucous secretion and nasal obstruction can be caused by rhinopharyngeal conditions, such as a common cold, angina, adenoidites, rhinitis, etc.

Bronchitis and bronchiolitis produce a light and persistent cough, usually produces wheezing and gives the feeling that it is difficult for the child and it is hard for him to breathe.

Sometimes children may present with a cough called "dog", it is a strong and hoarse cough without expectoration, this type of cough can be caused by conditions produced in the larynx and trachea, which narrow the airways.

Pertussis can be confused at first with a common cold, it starts with a dry, persistent and irritating cough that can last a week or two, then coughing attacks grow and the child has a harder time breathing, the smaller the child is The more it can affect whooping cough, it is necessary to visit the specialist quickly.

When the lung is affected, the cough is soft, produces pain and makes breathing difficult, usually accompanies fever and a pneumonia process may be beginning.

The typical gastroesophageal reflux in infants can also cause cough, because when digestion, food remnants that can reach the trachea regurgitate. This usually happens more when they are lying down, so it is convenient to lift the head of the bed (from the waist, not putting pillows) and placing it on the right side.

Cystic fibrosis of the pancreas causes cough because it makes the secretions very thick and abundant, as a result it irritates and produces cough

As we can see, the cough may be given for reasons of respiratory or extrapulmonary origin, but it will be the specialist who makes the appropriate diagnosis and considers the appropriate treatment.

In our hands, in principle there is only the ability to relieve him, cleaning his nostrils with physiological serum, moisturizing and ventilating the room and rooms of the house where he is, giving him liquids and avoiding tobacco smoke and possible contamination.

Video: 40 percent of parents give young kids coughcold medicine that they shouldn't (July 2024).