At Christmas, the goal is the children's audience

Christmas is coming and with them a direct objective of advertisers and publicists, the children's audience. Luckily there is someone who monitors advertisers, it is the Association for Self-Regulation of Commercial Communication, which monitors and avoids possible advertising messages that are not suitable for children because of its violent or inappropriate nature.

The association dictates and the figures sing, about 26% of the supervised ads have been the subject of observations by the association and about 6% have been rejected by it. We are talking about the 1,186 ads that have been supervised during this year, which indicates that several ads have not been made as rigorously as they should, regardless of how it will affect children.

The Association for the Self-Regulation of Commercial Communication conscientiously supervises and pays special attention to an announcement in which there is the possibility of inciting children to violence. This exhaustive control is necessary, there is a lot of unscrupulous that has a single goal, sell and profit regardless of how an ad can affect our children. You just have to take a look at some resolutions found on the association's website.