In the womb: twins, triplets and quadruplets

Next February we can enjoy the second part of the documentary In the womb that includes the embryonic development of multiple pregnancies, with the title In the womb: twins, triplets and quadruplets.

The Ruber Clinic in Madrid has witnessed today the presentation of this National Geographic documentary, which is made possible by 4D technology generated through ultrasound, showing the different stages of pregnancy with a very clear vision in real time.

This second part of the documentary follows the pregnancy (from conception to delivery) of three American women aged between 32 and 34 years pregnant with homozygous twins, triplets conceived on different days and homozygous quadruplets, that is, they share the Same egg and placenta, but each one is in a bag. We can see how the fetuses begin to interact, touch, push, kick, shake hands and even claim that they seem to play, kiss and compete for food and space.

The documentary will also teach us about some problems that can happen in multiple pregnancies, such as the “disappeared twin syndrome”, this event, according to scientists, occurs more times than it seems, in the case of triplets it may be that two fetuses continue to develop while the third disappears and is absorbed by the mother's womb.

They will also illustrate the "twin transfusion syndrome" a dangerous event that is recognized as the greatest risk of multiple pregnancies, because the blood of one of the fetuses passes, through the placenta that it shares, to the veins of its brother, So both are in danger, one by excess and one by default. With an endoscopic laser intervention, we will see how the syndrome is corrected.

Pilar Jiménez, Marketing Director of the National Geographic Channel, explained that there are real images and images recorded on models but that are true to what happens during pregnancy inside the uterus. We look forward to seeing you, and you?

Video: In The Womb, Twins, Triplets And Quads - National Geographic Documentary (July 2024).