Being a first-time mother at 66

In the blog we have treated from different points of view the phenomenon of women who become mothers at very advanced ages.

The record of the oldest mother in the world is held by an Indian woman who has given birth at age 70. The English Elizabeth Adeney is not far. He is 66 years old, about to turn 67 in July, is divorced and she is eight months pregnant with her first child.

In England the legislation does not allow the insemination of women over 50 years old, so the future mother has undergone in vitro fertilization with an egg donating in Ukraine.

The controversy has not taken in unleashing in England because it will become the oldest woman to give birth in that country. She is oblivious to the criticisms and rumors that circulate. Defend at all costs your right to be a mother.

I cannot deny that I have mixed opinions every time a mother-grandmother's case is made known, as I usually call them, that is, women who become mothers when they should become grandmothers.

On the one hand, you certainly have the right to be a mother if she considers it. It is something that cannot be denied to any woman, but I do believe that there is a moment in life to do so because among other things it implies a high risk for the child who is on the way.

The human body is wise and for some reason the woman's biological clock prevents her from being a mother well beyond 50. If we think about the future of that baby, when she finishes school at 18, her mother will be an 84-year-old woman . What do you think?

Video: I Had a Baby at 53. Iris (July 2024).