Grandmothers take care of their grandchildren more than dad himself according to a survey

We must thank our grandparents for the care and attention they exert on our children, some even daily. We don't know about you, but in our environment, grandparents never tire of having their grandchildren with them.

A new survey, Living Conditions of the Elderly of the Imserso, carried out on 1,200 working mothers and presented at the First Congress of Grandparents in March, offers statistical data, 70% of grandmothers over 65 have taken care of or care for their grandchildren while parents workOf those who do today, 22%, 44% do it daily, 30% several times during the week and 25% sporadically.

As we have already talked about Babies and more, we are in a country that does not facilitate family reconciliation enough, and that on many occasions, having children hurts when a woman can access a job, even before she is born . One of the reasons will be the maternity leave and the subsequent reduced workday, to this we must add that it is generally the moms who stay at home when their child is sick, or who has to leave work to take him to the doctor and even which goes to school meetings.

But in the case that the little one dawns badly, almost 50% of the grandmothers are the ones that remain in their care. It is also the grandparents, 53%, who take care of the children during the holidays when the parents work.

In the case that the grandparents cannot take care of the grandchildren, it is usually the mother again who stays at home, the parents do it in much smaller proportion. We assume that this will depend on the jobs that each one has, the flexibility they grant, etc., but the conditions should be the same in the absence and “work problems” when they have children, since they are both, but entrepreneurs directly condemn women.

The most significant data of this survey is that mothers prefer grandma's help for childcare than the couple and they are the ones that help the most in family reconciliation.

What a grandmother would not do for her son and her grandchildren, we remember on this occasion that endearing news in which a grandmother lent her daughter's womb to grow her baby inside.

Video: Grandparents Raising Grandchildren (July 2024).