Virtual books to read online for free

I have discovered a very beautiful application that can not be missing in the family computer. While there is nothing like contact with the pages of a book, the internet gives us the ability to read them virtually whole.

Lookbook it's kind of virtual library of children's books that we can read without buying them, although if we especially like it, we can also acquire it.

It is still in trial version but it already has a very broad content of books, which will continue to grow. We can find everything from stories about animals, hygiene and education habits to books about geography and history adapted for children with great illustrations.

The only downside is that the site is in English and therefore the books are also in that language. Likewise, the texts are very simple, so if we know some English we can translate them or we can invent a story based on the drawings. On the other hand, it is good for children to practice the language although it would be great if a voiceover told the story.

If you register you can put together your own book collection according to your preferences and share it with whoever you want. You also have the possibility of embedding books on a website or blog so that others can also enjoy them.

Do not stop checking out. It does not supplant the story of the night, but it is a fun resource that ultimately helps foster love for books.

Official site | Lookbook

Video: A Good Book To Read OnlineVirtual Books Online (May 2024).