Iceland: the good life and happy children What can we learn from them?

Definitely, and after reading the extensive article that The Country dedicated to Iceland, I I want to be a Viking and live in a country with an excellent economy, health and quality education and public, with the highest levels of happiness and above all and above all with this philosophy of life: “It is a society that is culturally oriented, as absolute priority, to educate healthy and happy children, with all the fathers and mothers that is ”.

Perhaps that is why they have reached the level of current quality of life: by social policies and conditions that protect children and their upbringing from their families.

Iceland is an example of not having to comply with Spanish prophecies and prejudices about pregnancy and the end of working life or any possibility of women's triumph, which places so many mothers in the vital dilemma of having to choose between raising their children or working outside and almost not seeing them. This social blindness and political incompetence is what has led the Spanish to have a very low birth rate and at late ages (28-33 years according to their studies).

And I love to see that there are countries where the exact opposite occurs and we cannot insult them for underdeveloped precisely.

These are the amazing facts about the 313,000 Icelanders:

  • The index of highest birth from Europe in young women (22 years old) even studying at university
  • The highest divorce rate, but among civilized people and usually with shared custodians
  • He highest percentage of women working outside the home and also in positions of responsibility
  • Iceland elected the world's first female president, a single mother, 28 years ago
  • 9 month permit for paid children, which can be divided between the father and the mother
  • The happiest town on Earth according to The Guardian in 2006
  • The country with the 6th per capita income in the world
  • The highest numbers of readers
  • The longest life expectancy in the world for men and for women among the highest
  • The only NATO country that has no Armed Forces (banned 700 years ago)
  • The one with the highest proportion of mobile phones per inhabitant
  • The fastest growing banking system in the world
  • Incredible export growth
  • Crystalline air
  • Hot water that reaches all homes directly from the natural pipes of the volcanic entrails
  • There are no residences for the elderly
  • A top-notch healthcare, to the point that private medicine in Iceland is mostly reduced to luxury services such as cosmetic surgery
  • Public education of such quality that 99% of children go to the state system. It highlights the close relationship of teachers with parents and the imaginative way of teaching. For example, a method used with children is to explain history and science through theater

They say that the cause of so much divorce and that a woman has children of several men is her past of promiscuous but protective and responsible Vikings of her pack.

They are large families, made of scraps, but whose behavior for children is of TRIBE: the ancestral and genuine way of raising human babies / children: among many loving adults and not locked up among others of their same young age.

Icelandic women are very modern but do not believe that life ends by having a child at age 21. Consider a stupidity wait until 38, more considering that babies are welcome there and it is healthy to have several. Knowing that, whatever happens in life, the future of the children is assured It is what gives Icelandic wings to follow their maternal instinct.

Something that has surprised me a lot is to discover that in its universities you can see many pregnant women and women breastfeeding. When I studied that it would be like seeing an alien and with a sentence on my back.

It is also not a matter of idealize any society because they will also have their negative aspects, although the article does not mention them. My admiration for the Icelanders is not going to provoke my divorce, nor am I going to look for another man to have a child and create a tribe, nor can I go back in time to have children before (I had it at 35 which is when I simply wanted it ), but it does make me have hope.

It is evident that there are many factors that contribute to the results that we have exposed of personal maturity and put the desired children before other considerations, but I want us to remain with a very important one.

Decent family policies + a culture of family cohesion + prioritizing children = happiness for all

As the African saying said: "It takes a village to raise a child."

Near Greenland they think the same. Is that what we all humans need?

Video: What Is Life Really Like In Iceland? (July 2024).