Colecho and the risk of sudden infant death

One of the most debated points when talking about sleeping with babies is the risk of sudden death. There are those who are not convinced of the benefits of sharing a bed with their babies, while others, despite recognizing its benefits, do not practice it for fear of harming the baby during the night.

Specifically, the question is: Does colecho increase the risk of sudden infant death? To begin, let's talk about this syndrome. Its specific causes are still unknown. There has been talk of a possible genetic origin and other factors and facts associated with it.

More and more studies point to nicotine as a relevant factor, so avoiding tobacco during pregnancy and not smoking near the child helps reduce risk, as well as lying on your back, not overcooking, avoiding excessive clothing Cot and according to some studies, also use the pacifier to sleep.

As for the danger of sleeping with the baby in the same bed, let's see what the experts think. We recently commented that according to Rosa Jové's words, no less than 80% of the world's children sleep in company.

Curiously, in countries like Japan, where bed-sharing with children is widespread, the sudden infant death rate is one of the lowest in the world, so it follows that the colecho itself would not be one of the aggravating factors.

On the one hand, its defenders such as Rosa Jové and Carlos González argue that the colecho practiced in a responsible way fulfilling a series of requirements is beneficial for the development of the baby, facilitates breastfeeding and helps the child to sleep better.

There are certain essential recommendations before practicing colecho. For starters, it is not safe in the case that the mother smokes, since maternal smoking is a risk factor closely linked to sudden death. Jové points out that a smoking mother "multiplies by five the risk of death of the baby and thirteen in the case of sharing the bed."

They also recommend that the mattress be firm, that there is protection so that the baby does not fall out of bed and avoid cushions, sheets, ties, etc. that could pose a risk to the baby. It should not be practiced on a sofa or in a hammock, nor in case of obesity and of course, never under the influence of alcohol.

Although it has a low incidence, sudden death is a monster that all parents fear, but with a sure cowboy there is no reason to be alarmed. In any case, in case there are still reticent parents, there are nowadays special cribs for colecho that are hooked to the bed of mom and dad.

Video: Week of Twopid Day 2: Stupid Continues to Intensify (July 2024).