Recipes for the whole family: Orange salad, monkfish Wellington, roasted pineapple and much more to whet your appetite

One more week, like every Thursday, we bring you a new entry for our section of Recipes for the whole family With ideas for children to try our dishes, eat more varied and move away a little from the typical children's menu of batters and chips.

They are recipes made by our companions of Direct to the Palate and Vitónica and today we will have magnificent recipes of dish and some desserts to give a little variety.

Starters and first courses

  • Roasted cherry tomatoes with Provencal herbs: I have lacked time to prepare these roasted cherry tomatoes with Provencal herbs. Yesterday I tasted them for the first time at the house of a good friend, who served them as an appetizer for a fabulous meal, and today I have been encouraged to prepare them. But with the caveat that I have served as a side dish of the main course of our homemade menu.
  • Skewer of chicken breast with pesto and dried tomatoes: This is a perfect recipe for the appetizer if we serve it as a skewer, although it can also be transformed into a sandwich or even served on a plate with a side of potatoes, for example.
  • Orange salad "picás": The salad of oranges "picás" is a typical Andalusian recipe that can be found in the delicate book of recipes drawn from Córdoba. It is a simple salad that basically has orange, onion and cod, although you can also add hard boiled eggs, black olives and even peppers.
  • Recipe of coquinas in tomato sauce spicy seafood: The coquinas, (scallops, tellinas ...) are a mollusk that I like to buy from time to time because it is ideal for the appetizer and because it is very entertaining to eat, as if they were sunflower seeds . Although I usually make quick coquinas a la marinara with garlic and parsley, this time I wanted to prepare them in another way to give them a special touch, so I present this recipe for coquinas in spicy tomato tomato sauce.
  • Recipe of fennel and potato cream: I really liked the slightly aniseed touch that brings the result.
  • Endives stuffed with apple and avocado It can not be easier to enjoy an original and different salad. With this light recipe of endives stuffed with apple and avocado, I am sure that you are going to surprise you with its delicious flavor, its contrasts and sure that, like me, you will repeat often.
  • Seconds

  • Traditional roasted veal round recipe: This traditional roasted veal round recipe is one of the ones we like the most and is usually our Saturday meal, because in addition to being delicious its preparation is very simple and if we marinate the meat the day previous we will only have to put it in the oven.
  • Chicken drumsticks in shichimi togarashi sauce: Shichimi togarashi is a mixture of Japanese spices, spicy and very aromatic, with sesame, ginger, nori seaweed, tangerine tanned skin and chilli pepper. It is quite powerful, so better be careful when using it in the kitchen, although if you like spicy it is a very interesting product to add to the pantry.
  • Rape Wellington: A forceful, festive dish, ideal for a special occasion, which did not leave indifferent any of us who were fortunate to try it. Not only is it elegant in appearance, but this monkfish Wellington is a great snack that will delight your palates and will have you smiling with pleasure for a long time.
  • Desserts

  • Glass of yogurt, oatmeal and roasted pineapple with spices. Healthy recipe: In a healthy diet you don't always have to give up dessert, and my favorite options are skimmed dairy and good fruit. This recipe for glass of yogurt, oatmeal and roasted pineapple with spices is perfect for a sweet tooth without being very sweet, and is also perfect to serve at breakfast.
  • Chocolate puff pastry swirls. Today I propose a simple recipe in the style of French pain du chocolat, some original puff pastry and chocolate swirls, which are ideal for a Sunday breakfast and for those who do not need to have more than fifteen minutes.
  • Easy cheese with yogurt and cinnamon. Sometimes we crave and we have neither ingredients nor time, today I propose an easy quesada with yogurt and cinnamon, which is also sucking your fingers. This is a dough that just out of the oven is very soft, but it should not be overcooked, once it rests and cools it will be with a soft and creamy texture that you will love.
  • Orange cake recipe with orange glaze: The icing with which it is coated gives it a spectacular aroma, although I allowed a slight variation reducing the amount of sugar to the maximum.
  • And that's all for today. Enjoy these recipes very much and don't forget that next Thursday we will return with more ideas For the dishes of the week.

    Video: Питание после тренировки. Питание перед тренировкой (July 2024).