Verdito, for children and the environment

Readers in Latin America will have seen that a green character has copied the programming of the Nickelodeon children's channel.

His name is Verdito, a very simple name to be remembered by children, and is a character created by Nickelodeon Latin America together with UNICEF to motivate children to be tolerant, supportive and respect the environment.

The idea is to reach children directly, through an understandable language for them in order to raise awareness of the need to take care of the planet's natural resources.

The friendly character sneaks into the programming every day to teach them about the importance of water, how we should take care of it, the recycling of garbage, pollution, the importance of preserving lakes, seas, mountains ...

Every two months, Verdito changes the focus of the messages to discuss different topics such as sanitation, the right to play, the environment, children with special needs, child survival, emergency situations and other issues that directly affect Childhood and adolescence

In Spain, we cannot see it, but we applaud the initiative of the Latin American channel in order to inform children about such an important (and worrisome) issue as environmental health.

We have already commented that children today are environmentally ill. It is in our hands, those of adults, to do everything possible to reverse that situation by instilling in them from childhood the love for our planet, for the neighbors and for the family. Although it sounds utopian, I think there lies the key to a better future.

Official site | Nickelodeon-Verdito More information | Unicef ​​In Babies and more | Children, environmentally ill In Babies and more | Children's environmental health In Babies and more | MamaTerra: ecological festival for children in Barcelona 2008 The ecological child

Video: EcoViva - Environmental Programs (July 2024).