"La Nana del a, b, c", poetry book for children

I liked the children's poems that we can read in the book available online "La Nana del a, b, c", a work aimed at children and capable of stimulating their sensitivity and taste for the hand lettering of some tender and colorful verses.

Nature is the protagonist of these poems, especially embodied in flowers of the most diverse species and in butterflies, but also in rivers and seas, in the sky, on the rocks ...

Many poems, in addition, show values ​​such as peace, friendship, love, caring for the environment ... Some others serve as a "recreational" song to sing at school. There are also poems in the form of riddles or tongue twisters, and many that lend themselves to reciting singing and / or accompanied with a dance.

All poems, short, simple rhyme so that small readers can appreciate them better. Aesthetic pleasure can be enjoyed from very young, and even contact with the verses can make them dare to create their own compositions.

Another activity we can do to enjoy these poems more and wake up your creativity is to let them choose any of them and make a drawing with their theme.

The author of these poems is Melba Nidia Fernández Olivares, born in Sagua de Tánamo (Cuba) in 1964. She writes poetry, theater and story for children, essays, poetry and stories for adults.

The complete book is published on the Internet in pdf format. I leave here an example titled "The Messenger of Peace". What does it look like to dance singing the poem ?:

A small white boat with colored flags went to travel the seas loaded with beautiful flowers. It is a paper ship as the song says but it is cute and so cheerful that it touches the heart. For each port of the world we see it move forward, it always leaves us a message “In peace we want to dance”

Video: TWICE "Feel Special" MV (July 2024).