Heatwave and pregnancy: seven cool tips to survive the heat

In full heat wave, it becomes difficult to cope with pregnancy, especially if you are spending your last weeks of pregnancy in summer with high temperatures. If the heat itself already causes fatigue, discouragement, stress, imagine with a baby in the belly ... It can become unbearable.

The feet swell until they lose shape, the belly seems to weigh double or triple, you sweat so much that you soak the clothes and take three steps can become an odyssey. Just to mention some of the most frequent discomforts that pregnant women suffer in summer. But do not despair, that pregnancy in summer also has advantages, I really liked being pregnant at this time.

As we go, there are still a few summer days left. I will give you seven cool tips to survive these hot flashes in pregnancy.

Leave the tan for next summer

Sun exposure causes your body temperature to rise rapidly. The vessels dilate, sweat begins and you also expose yourself to the risk of skin blemishes, since in pregnancy the secretion of melanin responsible for its darkening increases. Anyway, it is recommended that you apply a cream with sun protection factor every day before going outside, and before exposing yourself to the sun.

In Babies and more Heat and pregnancy: how to sleep well without air conditioning on summer nights

Cool off during the day and before bed

This summer, always try to have a pool, a beach, an air conditioner or a fan nearby to turn to when temperatures go beyond the limit of the bearable. Otherwise, you will always have a cold shower.

Keep your house as fresh as possible. Open the windows early to ventilate, but when the heat begins to tighten close them and lower the blinds a little. One trick that works very well is to take a shower to cool off before going to bed. Thus, you can sleep more at ease.

Get yourself and make yourself refreshing pampering

Get them done and have them done to you. Pregnancy is an ideal time to ask your partner to pamper you. Foam baths, massages, cold gels on the legs before bedtime, refreshing beauty routines… Here are seven refreshing beauty tips for pregnant women that you can start putting into practice if you have not already done so.

Hydrate and choose moisturizing foods

It is very important that you stay well hydrated to avoid suffering a heat stroke. Always have a bottle of cool water on hand to drink frequently. But you should not only hydrate with water, summer is ideal for preparing fruit smoothies, natural juices, cold soups, salads to combat heat ...

Avoid copious meals and run away from fried foods and fats. Instead, do several light meals throughout the day. Choose healthy snacks and make light dinners to avoid bad nights. Otherwise, between heat and poor digestion there is no one who sleeps in a pregnant summer.

Wear light clothes and appropriate shoes

Undoubtedly, clothing is one of the great advantages of being pregnant in summer. You tie any trapito to the belly and go. In winter, however, you have to wear layers and layers of clothing.

Choose light fabric garments, preferably of linen or cotton. Avoid synthetic tissues that adhere to the skin and increase the sensation of heat and sweat. Use caps and hats to protect your head.

Footwear is also very important. Choose a comfortable shoe, neither too high nor too low to avoid back and leg pains.

Rest in the shade

It is not time to do marathon workouts. Exercise in pregnancy is very good, but especially in summer choose a moderate practice (walking, yoga, bike) first thing in the morning or late afternoon.

Then rest will help you regain strength. If you can afford it, take a nap after eating with your legs up to prevent swelling.

This summer look for the shadow whenever you can. Cool off in the pool or shower and lie down to rest under a tree or umbrella. Just don't forget to have a good book at hand.

In Babies and moreBarrigas in the sun with caution: seven tips for pregnant women in summer

In the hottest hours, keep yourself

Avoid as much as possible to expose yourself to the sun and heat in the central hours of the day, between 11 and 18 hours. If you have to leave, organize to do it in the early morning or late afternoon. The rest of the day, look for shade and cool or air conditioning.

Photos | iStockphoto
In Babies and more | Five tips to stay cool this summer, Last weeks of pregnancy in the middle of summer: some tips

Video: Extreme Heat (July 2024).