How to choose a summer camp

It may seem to us that 5 or 6 year old children are too young to go camping, in fact I would have to ask myself long before my daughter went to one of them, but according to some experts summer camps are a good option for Children's vacations

Even so, we have to look for the camp that suits the little ones, with all the guarantees of quality and attention, and above all reflect on whether our son is prepared for that experience or if he does not want it. That is why I bring here the interesting ones recommendations of the Pediatric Society of Cantabria, Asturias and Castilla León With advice for parents.

It is emphasized that each child is different, and that in the end, if we think he will enjoy it, we will have to reflect on what is the best option for him or her and consider issues such as activity program, adequate facilities and safety requirements met, trained personnel and of course, the health coverage necessary.

It is also important that there is a effective and immediate communication system between parents and those responsible for the camp for any situation in which it will be needed. This, in addition, provides peace of mind and security for both parents and children.

If we choose the right camps, apart from that they can become unforgettable days for the little ones, with multiple recreational activities that they will enjoy, these contribute to maturation of the children, they stimulate their responsibility, favor their autonomy, learn to live with other people and appreciate virtues such as order, sharing with others, or the love of nature ...

Of course, the option to "park" children in camps without looking for their needs or their desires can make the experience negative and not recommended. You have to think about it very well.

Video: How to choose the right summer camp Parent Guide (July 2024).