Custom Covers

Our children want to explore everything and their little hands sometimes go to the most inappropriate places. Cover the plugs, remove the delicate objects, secure the doors so that they do not close abruptly, prevent them from rising to an open window, placing toxic products in high cabinets are all security measures that we must adopt to avoid disgust. One of those indispensable ideas is to prevent him from touching a radiator.

Summer is coming and seeing the radiators becomes an aesthetic issue rather than a functional one. However, thinking in the cold season, it is not a bad option to look at how we can get the little ones to not touch them and they can hurt themselves. Therefore, decoration and utility are very good reasons to choose a radiator cover.

Normally these objects are very serious, and nothing suitable for the children's room. But I have found a beautiful and useful design that can surely be accommodated in our homes. It's about these custom radiator covers. With the chosen photo, it is printed on a specially treated fabric and that lets the heat pass. I have found them beautiful and very suitable for the children's room to be safe, something that parents should always keep in mind.

Video: Custom Covers - Sweet child of mine (July 2024).