Should babysitters have a degree?

Many families turn to a babysitter to take care of their children, it is a very common practice and accepted by all. Announcements of people, usually women, offered to care for children, are common. In some cases the babysitter offers experience and a degree of some kind, but it is normal to not expect them to have demonstrable knowledge. But there is no regulation of the degree necessary to be a babysitter.

Caring for a baby, picking up children from school and giving them a snack or accompanying them to extracurricular activities, staying home at night while parents go out to a party, are the things we ask the nannies we hire.

I personally believe that the babysitter option It is very suitable because, especially in the case of babies, it allows them to have an emotional bond with their caregiver and personalized attention. But not everything are advantages. In addition to some terrible cases in which caregivers act violently and criminally, it is not easy to know the type of person with whom we leave our child and what type of relationship he will have with him or what decisions he would make in each case that may arise .

In an interview or asking for reports, or if we know a family that has employed it, we can get an idea of ​​whether it is a healthy person emotionally and patiently. Observing the child, if you feel safe and happy with her, is a fairly reliable formula to determine if you are taking care of her properly.

However, I think that, just as caregivers in children's centers are asked for a degree and an internship, nannies could follow some basic courses that entitled them as such, ensuring at least that they had minimal knowledge. It could include contents of childcare and child care, road safety, food hygiene, child psychology and other subjects that help parents find qualified professionals and babysitters to do their job with more training. Even a psychological test could be included. I see advantages in this solution, but also disadvantages.

On the other hand, this would mean that such services would not be as flexible as they are now, and would complicate the hiring and surely the possibility of locating a person who could cover the time we need. It would also make people with little academic training but a lot of experience with children and affectionate people could be harmed. And it would regulate an activity that people have self-regulated so far with greater freedom.

What advantages and disadvantages does the idea of regulate the babysitters degree for you?

Video: ASHA DEGREE - BABYSITTER Questions ?! (July 2024).