Showing affection in public is fine, and so we must show it to our children

The authors of an investigation on the signs of affection among university men in the United States, explained that young people increasingly saw it more natural to kiss in public as a sign of friendship. And they added that those results were important because it meant that they began to not to be ashamed of the demonstrations of love in public and that, therefore, children will also benefit of this attitude, because they will receive more samples of affection.

And that made me think: are we still still so near-dental as to think that a man who demonstrates his emotions in public is not quite 'man'?

In an era where homophobia is already history (or so I want to think, at least in Spain) I can't believe there are still people who continue to educate their sons as rude and strong beings, who do not kiss, hug and of course do not cry. And it must be so because otherwise they would have no reason to be investigations into whether men kiss or not.

In Babies and more Kissing in front of children: calm down, you will not traumatize them and it is good for them

I have to admit that these words are very personal and that not everyone can feel identified with my point of view, but I do not explain how there can be parents who do not show their love before their children, who can resist hugging them or eating them with kisses.

I can't imagine a childhood without hugs and kisses from my parents. The samples of affection were and continue to be common among us, they leave spontaneously. And in the same way we have raised our children, both his father and me: yes, sometimes we can even become a little cloying. Or not!

Because love must be demonstrated and it is a precious gift that we give to children, that they feel loved and that they are free to show all their emotions: cry, laugh and why not, also get angry.

They look at each other like in a mirror, so what example are we giving them if they don't perceive signs of affection between dad and mom or with the rest of the family? And of course, no need to hide. We do nothing wrong!

In Babies and more Dad, your children will follow your example: love and respect your partner

Love demonstrations of dad, mom, grandparents, uncles ...

The more dear children feel and the more people close, the better. I love, for example, that my nieces throw themselves into my arms and eat me with kisses every time I go to see them. I dream of sitting the little girl on my arms and cuddling her, giving her thousands of kisses. And when he says 'I love you' with his little baby voice, I melt!

Few things are as rewarding as wanting and being loved, the smile of happiness that a child returns when you hug him, the face of complicity of a grandfather when he wraps him in his arms and the grandson kisses him on the cheek ...

Please, these signs of love (which some call 'Latinos' own) should never be lost and, like good traditions, we have to pass them from generation to generation and for ever and ever.

There is no need for any research or study to reveal that children who feel loved grow happier. So if we want the best for them, why deprive them of the healthiest emotional food? And it is also free!

If we show them affection constantly and anywhere, no matter who is ahead and not ashamed of it, Our sons and daughters will also have no shame in showing it in public.

Photos | iStock

Video: A white woman thinks a black male babysitter is suspicious. WWYD (July 2024).