The shopping cart, germ redoubt

A shopping cart can be used by hundreds of people every day. Dirty hands, sneezing, children who climb with dirty shoes, food scraps ... in short, that the very hygienic thing is not. The carts accumulate germs of all kinds, like any object used by many people such as tickets. Nor can we become obsessed or create a paranoia, but we can take certain prevention guidelines.

Some supermarkets in the United States have implemented the use of protective cloths to cover it and germicidal wipes to clean the car before using it. There are also purifiers of carts, a system like the car wash tunnel but of carts that is installed in the supermarket and when it passes, it disinfects it.

Some time ago we commented on the existence of protectors to sit the baby in the shopping cart seat that covers both the front and the sides and the back and avoids direct contact with dangerous germs for small children.

Maybe some of these systems are exaggerated, but as long as supermarkets decide to invest in a cart sterilizer, there are simple hygiene measures that help us avoid contagion.

For example, do not sit children in the shopping cart, avoid being touched or sucked, put on a protective cloth before sitting the baby (some supermarkets offer it) and of course, the simplest and most effective of all: wash and wash our hands very well when we return from the purchase.

Video: The War of the Worlds Audiobook by . Wells. Audiobook with subtitles (July 2024).