Innovative treatment of autism in the Canary Islands

I think this is good news when we talk about a disorder like autism, about which there are so many doubts and questions to answer, so many methods to continue investigating. The Canary Community wants to become a pioneer in Spain and Europe when applying a method of behavior analysis created at the University of Columbia (United States), through which it is achieved accelerate language learning in children with autism.

This has been manifested in the recent "International Conference on early detection of autism and innovative educational responses", which has emphasized the Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and its application to the school through the aforementioned system, called "CABAS".

CABAS comes from the acronym in English "comprehensive application of behavior analysis to schooling", which we can translate as "comprehensive application of behavioral analysis to teaching."

This method has been created by Columbia University professor Douglas Greer, who has worked for 46 years in learning autistic children to get them to study and learn. The key, as we often remember from Babies and more, is the early diagnosis of this disorder.

The CABAS method is equally valid for children with learning difficulties or also with language problems, as is the case with immigrant minors, so he said there is one more reason to promote this field of research in the Canary Islands.

According to specialists, the CABAS method does not imply that all autistic or other children with disorders evolve to the "normal" parameters of other children without these disorders, but it does achieve that accelerate the acquisition of verbal skills, an advance without a doubt important.

In addition, in a context in which centers specializing in behavioral and learning disorders such as autism do not abound, it seems important to me that the introduction and development of this new method is important, since it can bring new centers and professionals while continuing to look for ways to Understand everything about autism.

Video: ULLresearch: Challenges and Prospects on learning disabilities in the XXI century (July 2024).