A mother sells soap made with breast milk

It is not the first time we know of mothers who end up allocating breast milk for less common uses than feeding their little ones. Some time ago we met a woman who made jewelry with her customers' milk and a company that sold ice cream with the ingredient.

Now it is becoming known (the news runs everywhere) a mother selling soap made with breast milk, with different shapes and to which he attributes fantastic properties.

This is a mother from China who failed to breastfeed her son. After that failure, he felt the need to get his milk somehow to his baby, and turned the milk into soap to bathe him with it (I don't know if he also gave him his deferred milk or not, which would obviously be another way to use his milk, more logical).

He saw that his son suited him perfectly and that his skin was improving a lot, and he thought it might be a good idea, and good business, to share the invention by turning it into a business.


He began to give his soap tablets fun shapes and began selling them on Taobao, which is the Chinese equivalent of ebay and Amazon, adding in the description that soap was useful for making a good cleaning of the skin of adults and to treat and prevent diaper rash in babies.

If it will be true or not, I don't know. One thing is what a substance can do when ingested and another is what it can do when in contact with the skin. The effects do not have to be similar. In fact, there are substances that when we take them cause reactions in our body and that have no effect on our skin.

Perhaps it is true and has just created a fruitful business. The question is how people will accept using soap that comes from someone else's milk (I know, it's not that bad, but there are those who wouldn't be able to use it) and knowing how legal or ethical it is to trade with it. What do you think of you?

Video: Mom Sells Breast Milk Soap! ft. David So (July 2024).