The amazing story of two twin sisters who gave birth to two rainbow babies on the same day

It is not the first time we echo stories of twin sisters who get pregnant at the same time and give birth the same day. But this does not stop surprising us this fraternal connection so magical and special.

The story we bring you today took place just a few days ago in a hospital in California, and has quickly been viralized by how surprising it is. Bao Kou Julie Yang and Bao Nhia Julie Yang, 23, are the protagonist twins, mothers of two rainbow babies born on the same day.

They suffered two abortions and shared new pregnancies at the same time

Bao Kou Julie Yang and Bao Nhia Julie Yang live in the city of Fresno, in California, and as usual in the case of the twin brothers, always they had a very special connection.

In Babies and more These identical twins gave birth to their babies on the same day and at the same time!

So much so that both suffered practically at the same time a natural abortion; a sad experience that, they say, united them even more if possible, because they found mutual support to overcome the hard times.

But after that heartbreaking experience, Bao Kou and Bao Nhia Julie celebrated a new pregnancy, which turned out to be even more extraordinary if possible by discovering that they left accounts barely two days apart.

And that was how last November 4, the twins gave birth in the same hospital to their rainbow babies, an anecdotal event that the hospital itself published on its Facebook page:

"Yes, you are seeing double! These twins gave birth to two girls with just two hours apart. Welcome to the world" Baby Nadalie "and" Baby Candra "- could be read under the published photo.

In Babies and more Six women united by the pain of loss pose with their rainbow babies

"I started with labor and when I called my sister on the phone to tell her that I was going to the hospital, she told me she was also in pain and that she would probably have to go there too," - Bao Kou told NBC News.

The funny thing about this story is that when Bao Kou gave birth to his first daughter, I didn't know that his sister was in the next room in the process of dilation, who finally gave birth to their third child just two hours later.

The two cousins ​​not only share date of birth, but both weighed practically the same at birth and were attended by the same midwife, who confessed that she had never witnessed a similar story.

Contagious Pregnancies

There is a study that ensures that pregnancy is contagious, and that when a woman becomes pregnant, women around her are more likely to stay as well. And judging by the numerous stories that we have shared several times, we might think that the study is not misleading.

Just three months ago we told you the story Jalynne and Janelle, two identical twins also from California, united for a time by infertility, gestational losses and finally by the birth of their rainbow babies.

On another occasion we echoed two sisters who gave birth only 15 minutes apart, and whose daughters also had an amazing physical resemblance. But pregnancy also seems to be "spread" among coworkers, sisters-in-law or friends, such as the case of Nicole and Alice that surprised us so much.

In Babies and more Paternity is also contagious: seven firefighters have been parents of seven babies in 14 months

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Video: The hug that helped change medicine (July 2024).